4 - "This can only lead to something bad."

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By the time I got back to my flat, I was sure that I would just about melt right there. I couldn’t process the fact that Harry Styles asked me out, but not actually ‘me’ because he thought I was someone else, and I, being my stupid self, agreed. I didn’t know what was wrong me. There were so many things wrong with all of this. Isn’t that identity theft? Pretending to be someone else? And what would I say when he came to pick me up, that I’m rich and famous Stella Doberman but I live in a basic apartment building?

I was relieved when I walked inside to find out that I wasn’t alone. The smell of something frying up in the kitchen drifted to my nose and I pulled off my shoes by the front door.

“Smells great,” I said, tossing my bag on the sofa and walking into the kitchen.

Niall turned around, his face lighting up when he caught sight of me. “London!” He dropped the spoon to give me a hug.

“Oh dear,” I chuckled. “Be careful before you burn the place down.”

He grinned and turned back to the stove. “Alright then. How was work?”

“Eh,” I said. My mood immediately changed and I knew he could tell. I dropped my head and quickly went to the fridge in an attempt to distract myself. “It was alright.”

Niall paused. “Really? Is everything okay?”

I sighed, “Yeah, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it, Niall.”

“You know London, even though Jonas isn’t here you can still talk to me. I’ll always be here for you if you ever need me.” He opened the cupboard to bring out cups and plates. “Are people giving you trouble on the set? Do you need me to talk to somebody, or-”

“It’s not that.” I frowned. “Everything’s fine on the set. It’s just one person.”

Niall raised an eyebrow at me. “So they are bothering you?”

“No.” I sat down on one of the stools, resting on my arms. “Ni, have you ever been in a situation where, like…” I struggled for my words. “Where you know something is wrong and probably illegal but you do it anyway?”

“Well, one time your brother and I smoked pot in my room,” he said. “It was weird. We never did it again. Is that what you mean?”

I snorted. “No, but it’s good to know my brother and his best friend smoke pot behind my back.” I scratched my neck. “It’s more of like…when it comes to dating.”

Niall dropped the spoon. “Okay London, spill.”

So I did. I told him about my unhealthy crush on Harry Styles and everything that had happened that day on the set. Not surprisingly, Niall listened intently and nodded at the right moments and I was glad that I could confide in someone even when my brother wasn’t home.

“Looks like you’re in a tough spot,” he said once I’d finished.

I raised an eyebrow. “You think?” I sighed, “I just don’t know what to do.”

“Well,” Niall set a plate of food in front of me and took the seat across. “You could go on this date and pretend to be someone you’re not, thus leading him on committing fraud. Or, you could not go on the date and make a fool of yourself and crush his heart because the girl he likes bailed on him, and then trouble will ensue when he asks Stella instead of she why you didn’t come and…”

“Ah.” I pursed my lips. “So there’s going to be trouble either way.”

Niall shrugged, "You could always call him and tell him the truth. The truth won’t hurt.”

“But then I’ll just look stupid,” I huffed. I grabbed Niall’s hand. “Look Niall, if something happened and you finally had the chance to be with the girl you’ve had a crush on for a long time, wouldn’t you take it?”

He glanced at our hands, frowned, and then looked me in the eye. The room was quiet before he sighed and removed his hands from mine. “Okay, you’ve got a point. But how are you going to pull this off? Do you have it planned out? Like, if he’s coming here to pick you up won’t he notice that you’re clearly not rich?”

My eyes widened. “Shit, you’re right. I’ll have to text him and ask him if we could meet up instead…”

“What about after the date? If he wants to be your boyfriend?”

“I’ll…say yes? I think?”

Niall rolled his eyes. “Okay London. This isn’t a good idea but I’ll keep it from Jonas until it gets out of hand, and then I’ll have to tell him. This can only lead to something bad.”

I let out a breath. I couldn’t deny that Niall was right.  




A/N: okay i know this chapter is long overdue and really short but it was necessary, please vote and comment itd mean the world xx

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