1 - "It's funny how life works. It gives you lemons."

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A/N: some of you might be confused right now. i deleted all the chapters of this story and changed the plot line so you should check out the new description and stuff in the previous chapter/part before this. :)

I’ve always been a pretty optimistic person. If something were to go wrong or not quite the way I’d like it to, I’ll just go along with it and most of the time things would end up going my way after a while.

I guess you could say that yeah, I made a few mistakes here and there, such as when my mum died and I ran away from home. It was devastating for me because that was before I was such an optimist. I was stuck in the streets of Leeds, my hometown, for two days. I survived on McDonalds and rainwater for 48 hours.

When my dad finally found me, I thought he would be upset and ground me for so long I wouldn’t be able to see my twenty-first birthday. But I was surprised when he welcomed me with a warm hug and promised that he’d take care of me from now on.

Thinking of that time always gets me wondering. Why did my dad do that? Why did he take me back in with loving arms even though I abandoned him? I might’ve been just twelve years old then but I wasn’t stupid. Ever since then I promised that I’d always try to see the light in things, no matter what.

Now I’m twenty years old. It’s been eight years and yes, I still miss my mum dearly, but my dad has yet to break his promise, and I doubt he ever will.

It’s funny how life works. It gives you lemons. Some people choose to make lemonade, sell that lemonade, and make money and a living out of it. Others are lazy and say they’ll get around to making the lemonade but just end up leaving the lemons to rot, when in reality making the lemonade would have been such a simple task.

And then there’s that group that’s so angry at the world that they take those lemons and squeeze it into life’s eyes.

“London!” A voice yells, pulling me out of my philosophic thoughts once again. I snap awake and scramble to fix up my desk area. “London, you better not be sleeping again by the time I get in there!”

I huffed in frustration. “N-no Alex! I’m up!”

The door to my dressing room swung open and Alex, his blue eyes sending me a hard gaze. I gulped and hung my head so I wouldn’t have to look at him.

“I know you were sleeping,” he said, shaking his head. “You know you can’t do that when you have filming to do.”

“I know, I know,” I sighed, standing up and brushing off my jeans. “Let me guess – they want me on set now?”

Alex smiled, “Right.” He motioned for me to follow him. “It’s the scene where Erica is jumping off the building. All we need you to do is actually jump off and then we’ll show her landing on the car.”

“Great,” I replied. “Is that all I’m doing today?”

He peered down at the clipboard in his hand. “I believe so.” We both stopped in front of a door inside the building I’d be jumping off of. “Let’s get you to hair and makeup first. When you’re done, head upstairs to the roof and I’ll run over the scene again with you.”

“No problem.” I opened the door and stepped into the room, a blast of cool air hitting me.

One of the girls inside looked up when I stepped in, a large grin slowly forming on her face. “London!” She squealed and patted the chair in front of her. “Oh my God, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”

“Sorry Aspen,” I responded, sitting down in front of her. “You know me.”

“Fell asleep?” She didn’t sound surprised. “Of course.” Her brush began running through the tangles in my hair. It hurt a bit so I decided to strike up a conversation with her to distract myself.

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