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Every thing is a mess in my room, my clothes which are everywhere, lying unfolded, my bed is full of my clothes and a purple suitcase lying on the side of my bed on which my clothes are hanging loosely,some stuff is surrounding my suitcase.

I am who is very angry is searching something in my cupboard. After what my sister has done I stepped out of my living room to my room and shut the wooden, brown door behind me angrily. The scene which was happened 2-3 hours before is still playing in my mind continuously.

I am boiling with anger and now decided to leave as early as I can from this house and which is why my room is a total mess but I don't care 'cause I am still busy finding my journal which I have completed 2 years ago.

The purple coloured leather bound rectangular thing with a nice volume and decorated with a amethyst come in my view. I quickly grab the journal and turned around to see my room.

After 3 hours I have realise that my room is looking very messy, if someone will be here so he/she should have probably think that 'there was a earthquake'.

Before I will be able to continue my thoughts I looked at the purple suitcase which is barely visible because of the stuff surrounding it. I walked towards it and push my things away carelessly and started to make some space for my clothes and other things which I have to take with me.

I stared inside the big purple rectangular figure for sometime to plan that in which area I will settle my stuff.

I thought that my stuff is too much for this small purple suitcase. Few minutes ago I was thinking that it is big but after looking around my room it seems small. So, I marched towards my closet and take out a big bag which was covered with dust, that was obvious because I have not used it for a long time.

The big pink and purple coloured thing hanging in my hands loosely like it can fall
anytime. I griped it tightly and wipe the dust.

After that my eyes danced around the room and they stopped on my room wall where a
clock was hanging.

I glanced at it and calculated that after the argument I have been here since
5:00p.m.but now it is 8:16p.m. I
thought dinner should've been ready by now
so why my mom didn't call me to eat dinner.

I remember the arguments which I have made with my sister and my mother in the livingroom.

"You and your piece of shit, daddy are not gonna do anything, you both have nothing but hope which worth nothing to me"

I remember those lines which still are hurting but I am used to them because it is a type of daily routine that my mom and my sister
try to find mistake so that there will be an argument. They never do such type of things in front of my dad but he know it.

After my real mom died giving birth to me, dad married another woman which gave birth to my younger sister after 2 years of their marriage.

That bitch who is 2 years younger than me was nice but after some months they started doing bitchy things.

At first I was shocked and tried to tell my dad that they are not nice to me but he didn't listen me. I was lonely after that.

I still remember happy day of my life when my step mother and sister were trying to beat me and my dad came home early due to rainy day and from that day he have told my mom and sis to not touch me but he can't do anything else so, my mom and sis took a advantage of this and started the practice of picking up arguments with me when dad I not home thinking he will never know but he knows everything but can't do any thing.

I grown up like this my mom and sis will treat me very badly and when my dad come home they treat me nicely.

I am grown up now and I am going to leave tonight.

Suddenly my phone rings, cutting my thoughts I look at my phone and it was a message from my dad

DAD- I will be late today so, take your dinner with your mom and sis

Love you

ME- Ok, love you

It is usual that my dad comes home late and I have to eat with my mom and sis. I checked the time, it was 8:43 p.m.

My mom has not told me to come yet, why? Oh! Maybe because of the fight. Today they have crossed their lines. They are bitches.

I don't want to go down until she call me or I will eat my food which I hide in my closet 'cause it is usual so, I am ready.

I first started to fill my suitcase annoyed by my mom and sis's behavior. When I finally packed my suitcase and bag I feel like hours and glanced at the clock- 9:45 p.m.

What?! My eyes automatically widened. I was boiling with anger now they have not called me and I am sure they have eaten their dinner.

I looked at the room which was now not very messy, which looked cleaned, only some unwanted stuff was lying around. I marched towards the bedside and pick up the trash angrily and throw that in trash bin which was now full with so much trash.

I adjusted the sheets of my bed and lay loosely on my bed thinking about tonight. A grumbling sound heared from my stomach and I stand where I was lying seconds ago and speeded towards my closet. I opened the closet take the keys from my drawer where I put my private stuff and opened the small compartment which can't be seen and take out my food .

There were only snacks but okay, something is better than nothing.

I opened the pack and started eating sitting on my bed and looking for the time of my flight in my mobile and ticking the boxes of my checklist

[] passport
[] suitcase
[] ticket
[] some snack
[] mobile
[] keys to the back door

I ticked all of them. I have packed everything now, satisfied with my food I marched towards the bathroom to takebath and get ready for the flight.

Sorry for short chapter

I think some of you are little bit confused but not to worry I will mention it in the upcoming chapters


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