𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 16: House Of Heroes

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"There was a massive explosion reported from last night at exactly eleven p.m in New York's Kennedy International Airport, according to the investigation, a plane crashed on the runaway losing control and police says that it carried pounds of explosion." The news was faintly playing in the background as you were seated on the kitchen aisle, a bomb going off in your head from last night's events.

"Why didn't I get the report first?" You muttered only to yourself.

"You did but you were drunk so I didn't notify you," Wednesday answered even though you weren't asking.

"Are there any casualties?" You questioned this time around as you moved to get a cup of something.

"The Avengers are on the news as we speak," She retorted and your head immediately whipped towards the TV from across the room.

"Does that mean they're not here?" You dumbfoundedly stated, tapping your ring three times after realizing that you need to be there even if you're not needed.

With the energy that you summoned the hangover effectively fleeted itself away from your body and within a minute you were standing on the top of the airplane that crashed.

You can be a huge diva sometimes because the moment your feet touched the ground the media was pointed towards youreporters'rs voices topping one another as they try to get information out of you.

"Glitch, where have you been?"
"What can you say about the plane crash?"
"Why weren't you able to stop this from happening?"

With your eyes widened, you slowly took a step back, unprepared to say anything. The flashes from the cameras were blinding your eyesight, causing you to bump your back on someone, turning around, you saw the Director.

"People," Director growled, silencing them as he kept his eyes on you, "Please excuse us," He grabbed your upper arm, taking you with him as you both entered the almost collapsed building.

"Give me one good reason to not cuff you right now," He stated, away from the prying paparazzi.

You looked up at him, he doesn't know you, so why would he cuff you?
"Simple, you need me," You gave him a quick answer and he chuckled.

"What makes you think that you're the right candidate for that?" He retorted with amusement in his tone.

"Because you need heroes like me," You answered, glaring at him, knowing that what you're doing is pathetic.

"You call yourself a hero?" His voice was full of sarcasm and you rolled your eyes.

"You call Spider-Man a hero, what makes me so different from him?" You retorted, gritting your teeth when you failed to yank your arm from his grip.

"You're a distraction, that's what you are," He spat the words, cutting deeply into you, but still you stood your ground.

"Don't talk about things you don't know."

"Things I don't know?" He chuckled, no trace of being offended, "You blew up a whole town."

You swallowed thickly, fist clenching as it started to glow, "It was an accident," You protested and he shook his head.

He was about to say something when someone cut him off shortly.
"Sir, civilians are out," It was Captain America, eyes fixated on the director before he noticed you.

"You again? What are doing here?" He asked with a polite smile on his face.

"I don't know, something about this..." You trailed off as you placed your hands on his biceps, transferring enough energy for the meantime, "So you can move the plane out of the way," You finished, purple mixing with his blue suit.

The Glitch || A Marvel Fanfiction ft. Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now