𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 2: It Is Wednesday My Dudes

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"What kind of questions?"

"Kid, give me some of those," He extends his arms to grab some chips and you didn't hesitate to give it to him.

"O-kay..." You trailed off, watching him enjoy your chips.

"The thing is we need to recruit people that has a special talent," He replied, moutful of chips and it was one of your pet peeves of people talking while eating, although you kind of do it too.


"And you I'm recruiting you to be part of my team-" He didn't get to finish his sentence because you cut him off

"Oh no, you've got the wrong person for that," Shaking your head you begin to nervously play with your ring.

"Oh really?" He smirked in amusement, having the chips discarded from him as he dust looked around the attic that was obviously filled with technologies that people at your age shouldn't be in possess of.

Sighing deeply, "Even if you're right, I can't," It was as though you confimred his suspicions even though you didn't need to, plus, there was no point of lying.

"And why is that?" He casually asked like this was some kind of a small problem when in yours this is that big of a problem!

"Cause I have to finish high-school," You resonned, snatching the bag of chips from his hands.

"I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that. Happy will pick you up tomorrow after school," He stood up, giving you a quick hug and then left the attic, walking out of the house just as he knows the way out.

You followed him out, bumping on Peter on the way and just in time for Tony to wave at him with a simple 'hey kid'.

Peter widened his eyes at you speecheless for a moment before his head processed, "Tha - that's Tony Stark, what is he doing here?" He asked, intensely looking at you and you shrugged.

"You tell me, I found him sitting in my room," Not really-fully a lie.

He walked closer to you, "What did he say?"

"Nothing, he just ate my bag of chips," The pitch of your voice went high and he knew you were lying but he didn't push it.

After finishing school the very next day, you tried so hard to avoid the said 'Happy' who's about to pick you up, but as you walked out of the door, he was already standing outside with a smile next to a black tinted car. So instead of running away, you approched him.

"You must be Miss Y/N Parker," He smiled at you as you tensed up feeling like people were staring at you, causing you to snap your fingers and a light-purple wisps appeared just for a second and suddenly people stopped looking.

"I am and you must be happy," You replied polity and he nodded.

"Nice to meet you Miss Y/n. I was informed to take you to Mr. Stark," He added.

"Okay, and just Y/N, please," You requested when he opened the door for you and you hopped in as he nodded.

The inside of the car smelled like a billion dollars and you couldn't help but grace your fingers at the leather seats and anything that shines.

"Do you want anything Y/N?" Happy asked, glancing at you from the rear-view mirror.

"Not really, thanks though."

The whole ride was silent and you occupied yourself by looking outside the window, over viewing the city of Manhattan and you remembered once when May took you out for a girls' night out even though it's just the two of you having ended uo at an arcade downtown while Peter had to go to school since he had to practice for a dance contest.

The Glitch || A Marvel Fanfiction ft. Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now