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Im gonna try and publish everyday but idk if it will be possible <3

:Harry POV:

I'm cuddled up with Louis on the couch. We're almost in London and I'm tired, I really want to sleep but just not yet.

I stand up, "Hazza nooo" Louis pouts. "I'll be back in a few seconds love" i say. I get the clothes I got from Louis a little bit earlier and walk to the bunk beds.

It's colder here than it was in Holmes Chapel so I put on one of the hoodies from Louis' merch on. The rest I put in my suitcase.

I grab my phone out of my back pocket and see that I have some missed messages from Gemma. My sister, I haven't told any of my family about this yet. Maybe I should

I walk back to the living area and sit down with Louis again.

I grab my phone and open Gemma and mines chat.


Hey Haz how are you

Today 9am
You dead bro?

But seriously are you

Hi Gems, sorry for not

I'm doing fine, great

I have something
to tell...

Spill the tea🍵

You know I went to
Louis' concert right?

Yeh I know

Well I met my online
friends there

Yeah I know that
was planned right?

Yes it was

But I also met Louis
there and me and my
friends got along really
well with him

That's great!

When will you be home?

Yeh that's the thing

What's wrong?

Well Louis asked me
and my friends to go
with him for the rest
of tour so i will not he
home for a few weeks,
months maybe...

Hope you and mom
aren't mad...

Why would we be
mad? You're an adult
Harry. Mom would be
amazed by seeing you
grow up. I hope you have
an amazing time!

Well there's also
another thing

"Louis" I say

"Hmm what's wrong Haz?" He asks me

"Uhm im talking to my sister and we never really had secrets and uhm I wanted to ask if you wouldn't mind if I told Gemma about us" I ask shyly. Louis still has to stay closeted from his management

"Ofcourse Haz, I also told my mum and sisters. Ofcourse you can" he squeezes my cheeks

"Okay thank you Lou" I smile

"No problem love" he smiles


What is it?


U dead man?

I'm still alive just had
to ask Louis something

Love how casual you
are about that. A month
ago you would've freaked
out lmao

But you wanted to tell

Yes. Don't freak out


Im gay

I know

And I'm kind of
dating Louis...



That's great Hazza!

But Louis isn't allowed
to come out yet because
of his management so it's
kind of a secret?

I'll keep the secret!

You're allowed to tell
mum tho! So please do

Don't you wanna do

Nah you can do that

If u say so I will

Thank u Gems

No problem Hazza
Hope you have a nice time
with Louis and ur friends!
Love you xx

Love you too Gems xx

"I told her Lou" during the messaging I started walking nervously through the tour bus.

"What did she say" Louis asks me

"She was happy, luckily" I smile

"Come here" Louis opens his arms for me to come and cuddle back with him. I lay down again.

Louis kisses the top of my head. I turn the tv on and we're watching a random movie again.

We only have a 1 hour drive left and then we're in London.



let me know your thoughts on this chapter!✉

Lots of love,


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