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Im gonna try and publish more again but since I'm going on a vacation idk if it will be possible <3

"What do you need Louis?" Louis just called his management to ask one important question

"Can I please reveal me and Harry's relationship like right now" Louis is desperate. Harry just had his second breakdown of the day because of all the pressure and questions from followers and fans. He can't keep up with this any longer.

"Louis how many times do we need to tell you that you can't, it'll ruin your image" His management tells him

"I don't care about that anymore I just want my boyfriend to feel good" he snaps

"Fucking hell Louis no you can't" His management snaps back

Louis hangs up his phone. In tears.

Harry cant keep up with this longer. Neither can Louis.

He walks back into the tour bus. He has his last concert here this evening. Then they go off to Europe. It's 4pm, his concert starts at 9pm. So another 5 hours left.

He hears some sniffles coming from the bunk area.

"Hazza?" Louis walks in to a crying Harry

"I can't do this longer Louis, people are asking questions and hating and all. I love you but the pressure is too much" Harry whispers

"I know sweetcheeks" Louis cuddles his crying boyfriend.

"I just talked to management but they said I can't come out" Harry starts crying again, this time harder

"Shhh it's okay Haz, I'm gonna come out even if I don't have permission. I've got it planned" Louis kisses his boyfriend

"But Louis, your music career. You can't ruin it for me. Just break up with me so you can have a good music career. I'm sure you find someone better really fast, you're amazing" Harry sobs

"I'd walk through fire for you love, just let me adore you please?" Louis pleads

"Lou-" But before Harry can end this sentence he gets cut off by a kiss from his boyfriend.

"Just let me do this okay? Harry I can't not love you. You're my everything. My soulmate. I can't imagine being without you. And if I loose you I'll loose Niall, Liam and Zayn and I don't want that. Just let me do this"

"Louis, I love you" Harry smiles up at the older boy who just grabbed his phone and walked out smiling


The end is coming really quickly now, be prepared loves. But there is a new book coming, so don't be sad! <3

let me know your thoughts on this chapter!✉

Lots of love,


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