chapter 5 - after the game

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After the game had ended they had decided to chill in a VC together, and talk about random things. The number of people in the VC slowly dwindled down until just Quackity and Obama were left.
"sooooo obama how's the wife" Alex said through a laugh
"wouldn't know, prolly hooking up with her yoga instructor"
"Damn kinda sad dude"
"Yeah, and he's only 24"
"At least he's older than me"
"That's true, it could be worse"
"anyway, Obama wanna play Roblox for my stream tomorrow? You're a funny guy and I need views"
"I'll see you tomorrow then, Obama"
"I'll see ya then Quackity"

Obama watched Quackity's icon disappear from the call, with a smile on his face.
He felt something. He just didn't know what.

hi everyone! sorry it's a short chapter but I honestly have no clue what to write. I'm trying though :)
Also if any of you got the reference to the song in that conversation then congrats!
remember to drink water, eat, take any medication and sleep!
Have a great day/night! <33

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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