Ch.11 Never Lost

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■3rd Person POV■

Y/N is standing face to face with Mayuki, the girl who made her hurt, the girl that currently has Matsukawa's girlfriend's title.

Y/N: Ma... yuki san?

Mayuki stares at Y/N, the woman who looks so timid compared to her. The woman who she thought she has won over. The woman that man she seduced and got her heartbroken.

Mayuki: yes... I'm Mayuki... Issei's girlfriend...

Y/N's heart clenches when she hears this. She averts her gaze down, doesn't want to see Mayuki's face as she says that.

Mayuki: you see... Issei, he's a weird guy...

Y/N looks up and sees Mayuki who has a wry smile on her face.

Mayuki: we've been officially dating for two months, well... going out for 8 months if we count the unofficial one...

Y/N's eyes widened when Mayuki states this while talking to her. Y/N and Matsukawa broke up 6 months ago and from what Mayuki says, Matsukawa did seeing her two months before Y/N broke up with him.

Matsukawa was about to walks closer when he hears what Mayuki says, doesn't want Y/N to hear any more than this, but.

Y/N: please don't be mad at him...

Mayuki and Matsukawa are surprised when they hear Y/N say this.

Y/N: Matsukawa san... and I... we met by chance... we were on the same train and... he saved me... once from a molester, and... so does today.. but even so...

Y/N's heart throbbing painfully while arranging the words she's about to say.

Y/N: he and I... we... have nothing to do... and will probably stop seeing each other...

Matsukawa clenches his hands, he hears Y/N say this and he wants to tell her to stop.

Y/N: you... you are the person that he likes... I'm... just a past for him... so please don't misunderstand this and.. don't be mad at Matsukawa san...

Matsukawa: no...

Mayuki: pfft...

Matsukawa looks at Mayuki and so does Y/N. They're surprised when Mayuki laughs, but then she glares at Y/N.

Mayuki: don't mock me... a person like you... is the kind of person that I despise the most...

Y/N was surprised.

Mayuki: Issei... he never tells me his phone pin or his apartment passcode... but...

Mayuki gives Y/N another wry smile.

Mayuki: a girl called me through his phone... when he is unconscious... how funny it is to see someone who claims that she's just a past... knows more about him...

Mayuki walks closer to Y/N, and Y/N grew nervous. But then, a person stands between the two. Y/N's eyes widened when he sees the familiar back of Matsukawa as he faces Mayuki.

Mayuki snickers

Mayuki: and moreover... he protects that "past" from me...

Matsukawa: Mayuki...

Mayuki: stop... you don't need to make me look any more pathetic...

Y/N looks at Mayuki when Mayuki calls her.

Mayuki: though he is in my arms... though he's physically attached to me... though I'm no longer the side chick...

Mayuki looks up at both Matsukawa and Y/N.

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