~Backstory~ pt 1

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(you are 8 years old)

Y/n's POV

I had just finished playing with my friend and i started walking home it wasn't a long walk only like 9 house away

while i was walking i got distracted by these really pretty flowers in a little pond. they where water lillys they we're so pretty i had to stop and look at them. One of the flowers started moving towards me

i was so happy when it was finally close enough that i could grab it. i stared playing with it was such a pretty shade of pink. then another flower floated over to me. i was smilling while playing with the two flowers.
"and they all lived happily ever after... THE END" i thought and i finally decided to go home putting my two flowers back in the pond.

i turned around
"ohhhhh..." i said quietly realizing that it was already night so i walked faster

i was about two houses away from mine then i felt a hand on my should i suddenly jumped in fear
"Woah sorry kiddo didn't mean to scare you." he said rubbing the back of his neck as i sighed in relief when it was my Dad.
" it's ok dad.. why are you just know coming home. it's so late." i said with a bit of a worried tone.

he never told me where he worked or even what he did but i knew he had to kill demons. he always came home with broken bone and scars i was scared that he wouldn't come home some nights. he said when the times right that he would tell me and teach me how to do it to.

"i could ask you the same thing. but i had a bit more work than usual today,nothing to worry about." he said while picking you up
" heh.. i got distracted by playing with some floating flowers, they where so Pretty."
" oh you men the water lilly's, yeah those are really pretty they might even be my favorite." i nodded in agreement

we where almost home just like a few more steps


you turned to look at you father who had just dropped me on the floor. then i see it, it was a Demon. i looked at it shocked at how my dad easily cut half of this arm off then he proceeded to cut it head off. I looked up at him in terror

he kneeled down to my level and leaned in to give me hug
" i'm sorry you had to see that ."
i backed up a bit so i could look at his face
" my dad just cut someone's head off but it was a demon so is it a good thing..." i thought
" my Dads a hero." i cheered going back to hugging him. i felt him shake a little bit in shock he then picked me up and went inside and put me in bed but before he left to go to sleep himself
" dad can i learn how to kill Demons?"
he looked down at me
" i can start teaching you tomorrow if you want but no sword yet." he chuckled
"yayyyy.... goodnight dad ."
" goodnight sweetheart."

~next day~

i woke up earlier than usual, ate breakfast got dressed in one of my favorite kimono it was a pretty shade of (f/c* favorite color*) i put in my cloud hairpin so that my hair wasn't in my face.  then i went to go wake up my dad.

"DADDDD WAKEE UPPP!!!!!" i did while jumping on him
"ahuggg give me a few." he said trying to swat me away
" mmm you have 5 minutes before i come back." i walked out of his room.

my mom was already awake she was heading to work, she worked as at a little store in town selling clothes.
"goodbye mom have a good day at work." i said with a smile waving at her
"Bye see you later tonight." she waved back at me then left

i went back to wake up dad he's lucky that i got distracted and let me sleep for 10 extra minutes
"DADDDD!!!" i yelled while busting into his room just to see that he wasn't there " what but i never saw him leave his room" i though
i walked around the house and i could find him anywhere i started get worried i ran outside and there he was sitting on a rock waiting for me .i sighed in relief
" what am i going to learn first .. kicking, punches?." i said with a smile
" slow down there your not there yet you need to learn proper breathing. are family has a unique fighting style. we are able to Draw power from the moon and turn that into power/physical strength. that's how i'm able to defeat demons." he paused for a second so that he could start meditating "we have a strong line of demon slayers in are family none as strong as the hashira."
"what a hashira"i said in a confusing tone
"the hashira are some of the strongest demon slayers. but there are also the twelve kizuki, they are the strongest demons there aren't many demons that are as strong as those ones. then theres muzan kibutsuji he was the first ever demon and he made the twelve kizuki."
"if a demon can survive as long as muzak kibutsuji than how do you kill them, and have you ever run into a hashira or twelve kizuki?" i asked while meditating with him he chuckled a bit knowing that i was going to ask that
" you can only kill a demon by decapitation with a special sword, and no i have never meat, or fought a twelve kizuki, but i have meat a hashira her name was shinobu kocho she and her sister where very nice."
wow that's awsome my dad has meat one of the strongest people in the world i thought
" can i become a hashira?"
"one day maybe but you well have to train a lot."
"i want to be able to help people so i'll do anything to protect humans ." i promise i said the last part in my head

" well let's start fixing your breathing." he stood up and walked over to a tree with a swing hanging down he sat on the swing and it didn't move at all
" this breathing technique is called moon breathing ( when i started this i did not know there was a moon breathing technique) ,Moon breathing is a breathing style that mimics the moon and replicates it with the users movements, techniques and abilities.most, if not all, known techniques and forms are standard yet varied swordsmanship techniques that focus on swift and powerful strikes that always follow the shape and pattern of a crescent moon. due to this breathing styles' great variation in techniques, this swordsmanship form as a great blend of offense and defense, most similar to Sun breathing. once you master the breathing then we can start with kicks, punches and swordsmanship." he said

maybe one day i can be a powerful demon slayer and make my family proud i thought while assuming the same position as my dad on the other swing but when i got on the swing would not stay still
" once you can sit on the swing with out it moving at all them come back to me. heads up you have to adjust your breathing." then he went inside

a few hours later i was able to be on the swing with it not moving so i went to go tell my dad when he came out and saw that i was doing it he was surprised at how fast i was able to do it

"wow you got that fast it took me two months to get it." he said while congratulating you
"well i had a good teacher ." i said while smiling

" i didn't think you would get it that fast but sense you did there is this think called final selection if you make it back a live from that then you would officially be a demon slayer. it's going to be a while before i let you practice with a sword so you need to be patient." i nodded

~1 mounts before final selection-( not the same one as tanjiro you are know 11)

"dad i have mastered it please tech me how to use a sword properly know final selection is in a month." i had been practically begging him at this point
" i have been afraid of this day but it's time." he said in a worried tone as he walked to his room and pulled out a long box and gave it to me

i looked at him with a confused look while i opened the box inside was a nichirin sword it was a nice blue color
" this was the sword i used a long time ago i want you to use it during final selection."
a huge smile formed on your face as you gave him a big hug

you two started training you had mastered all the techniques in a very short time and you even had some techniques that only you knew about

the day came and you said good bye to your family and went to final selection

( this was a way longer than i expected it to be so there will be a part 2 i hope you like i think i'm slowly getting better at writing )

words- 1594

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