12- Ocean's Nine - Or Ten

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Logan's POV

Duncan carved a skull into the table as I played with his lighter, flicking it on and off. As I did so, I ate a strip of bacon which was surprisingly not bad.

"What?" Duncan asked, looking at Heather who was giving us both a dirty look.

"Vandal." I stopped flicking the lighter. "Pyro." She turned her head to look at Harold. "Nerd." He blew a raspberry at her in retaliation.

"We have to all stop acting like babies or everyone of us is going home," Leshawna spoke up, trying to place peacemaker.

It wasn't going to work, though. We're still mad at her for the reward challenge a couple episodes ago. And it didn't help that she almost killed us with her toxic butt fumes.

Usually, I'm pretty bad at holding grudges, but I don't know why I was still upset at her. I know I should just move on from the fact that she dissed our team like Gwen, but for some reason I can't.

//Harold's Confessional

"Ever since Leshawna sold us all up the river for a day at the spa, I've finally come to see that she's only looking out for herself. Of course, if I looked like that, I'd probably just look at myself all day, too. Uh, but she's a bad, selfish person! Bad! So bad..." //

"Come on, you guys. What Leshawna did is for the best," Heather told us, smug. "Nobody needs a day at the spa like she does. In fact, you could write a tell all book about her hairdo called, Weave Got Problems." I snickered a little.

"Nobody's gonna argue with her!?" Leshawna threw her hands out in exasperation.

"Nope," I said, popping the p.

"Sounds like an entertaining read." Harold crossed his arms, and Heather, Duncan, and I followed in his movements.

"I'm going back to the trailer," Leshawna spat out, standing up.

"Try not to let the door hit your butt on the way out!" Duncan called out to her as she made her way to the exit. I smacked his arm.

"Door? It's a tent, idiot boy," Heather corrected. Leshawna looked back and scrunched up her lips sourly.

"Uh, it's a figure of speech?"

"Does it matter?" I uttered, placing my head in my hand as I watched Leshawna walk out the exit.

Yeah, I do feel bad for her, but karma hasn't hit her yet. I'm patiently waiting so until then, she's gotta deal with this on her own.

"What you should've said was, "Don't let the flap flutter y-""

"Shut up, Harold," we interrupted him.

Unexpectedly, Chris slid down a rope after cutting a hole through the roof of the crafts services tent.

"What an entrance!" Beth gawked out. I stopped playing with the lighter and slid it over to Duncan who slipped it inside his pocket.

"Consider it a hint as to this week's movie genre!" Chris said eagerly.

Bank heist robbery. I already feel it in my bones. And I'm excited.

"Is it lame-o, rock-climbing, wannabe host movies?" Duncan conjectured sarcastically.

"Noooo. This week, we're paying tribute to the action-packed bank heist gangster caper film!" Yes! I was right!

//Logan's Confessional

"Man, I know a lot about this kind of stuff. Never because I actually robbed a bank... even though I kind of wish I did, but I have done lots and lots of research on these sort of topics. Mmmhmm, I guess you could say I'm kinda an expert." //

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