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I woke up alone. Nobody was around . I'd been left in the mess hall by everyone what the actual fuck.

I managed to pull my weak self up to standing and I walked out of the hall "guys?" I shouted "anyone?" A tear left my eye but then I saw someone walking to me "ziggy?" I shouted but got no reply "Nick?" Still no reply I still couldn't work out who it was as my head was pounding from passing out but this small figure wrapped their arms around me.

"shhh, hes near." This small figure led me to the arts and crafts cabin , I recognised the voice but it wasn't anyone like Alice or Ziggy it was a camper "kai?" I whispered

"yes?" He replied trying to be as quiet as possible.

"oh my !" I sighed from relief that another child was alive . I hugged him tightly until a bang at the doors happened kai brought his index finger up to his lips "shhh." He said in which I did what he basically told me to .

Glass smashed and I started to cry , Kai rested his head on my shoulder as we waited for Tommy to leave we sat in silence for a good 2 minutes before he left and we were able to talk again "how are you alive?" I asked kai

"I was with Jeremy and sunnyvalers locked away in what they called 'jail' but then they ran out and me and Jeremy were stuck in the dark  but as he killed Jeremy I sprinted away and hid under the floor boards in cabin 4. Have you seen Maggie ?" He had  escaped right before we came across Jeremy

"no kai I haven't I'm sorry." I felt bad, no actually I felt sick to my stomach I had no clue who was alive and who wasn't and that scared me .

" Oh um is councillor Tommy okay?" he asked me, the fear in his voice was unreal.

"yes kai he's just a bit sick but he's okay." I smiled at him before standing up and walking out with kai right behind me .

We started creeping over to mine and ziggys cabin when Alice called my name from the lake behind my cabin "Alice ?" I shouted back hoping for a response I needed someone like Alice right now.

" Lila come to the lake!" Without hesitating I grabbed kai and sprinted to the lake to see Alice and Nick pacing up and down the edge of the lake

"you guys left me ." I said getting their attention while crossing my arms.

  "we had too , he came in after us and didn't even take notice of you so we left and ran but when we went back you were gone . We thought we lost you!" Nick said before taking notice of the child next to me "kai?" he said before kneeling down . Kai then ran into his arms and they enjoyed a nice warm oddly long hug which is what I really needed With Tommy right now but if i tried I'd be axed . after Nick and kai pulled apart I looked around to realise that ziggy and Cindy weren't there.

"where the fuck is Cindy and ziggy!" I said while panicking and looking around

"right here!" Ziggy shouted as she ran up behind me and jumped on me "I generally thought you were a goner Lila. I'm so glad I'm seeing you in the flesh right now!" She hugged me

"you get the shit we needed?" Alice asked taking the bag that was over cindys shoulder.

"yep . Be careful that shits like over 1000 years old," Cindy swore

"Cindy berman just swore!" I said pretending to be shocked, someone needed to lighten the mood.

"ye it's becoming a habit." She laughed making the others laugh.

Alice then pulled out a bone from the bag "Sarah fiers hand." She said while examining it

"this stuff isn't real." Nick scoffed

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