Chap 1: Welcome Back

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The rain wasn't so bad. It was only slightly drizzling, not really any reason to bring an umbrella. And the weather wasn't too bad, it was just now changing from the hot humid summer, to the breezy nice fall. But it was still one of the ugliest days Maya had seen in a long time.

She stood by the far tree that overlooked part of the cemetery. Her hands were in the pockets of her long black trench coat that she had worn for the ugly weather. Buttoned up and clung snug to her body to keep her warm.

Her hair was slightly damp as she had moved it into a messy bun with a scrunchy she kept on her wrist. Keeping it out of her face as the wind blew towards her. She really didn't feel like dressing for the occasion. Not that she was planning on being seen anyway.

She was far enough away for people not to notice, but not too far away that she couldn't hear the preacher talking. How he preached about how he was a good man, how he loved his family and always put them first.

Maya didn't want to ruin the moment. Maybe he was a good man, maybe he did put his family first. It only took him two tries to get it right. But she wouldn't know what kind of man he was. She was the trial course that he had used as practice before moving on to the real thing. The practice sheet you throw in the trash after doodling on it for while before picking up a fresh one and getting serious. If that even made sense.

"I figured you'd be here." Maya closed her eyes and sighed as she felt the owner of the voice come stand beside her.

"You followed me?" Maya asked as she looked over to see the face of her best friend Farkle staring straight ahead at the funeral that was taking place.

"Riley said that you had somewhere to be. I remember you saying something in passing about your dads funeral being today." Farkle told her as he, too, shoved his hands in his pocket and mirrored Maya's position.

"Congratulations. You just won a gold star for listener of the year." Maya stated sarcastically. Farkle gave her a side glance before looking back at the funeral.

"Why didn't you tell anyone you were coming?" He asked her. "You know we would have been here for you."

"That's just it. This isn't my funeral to go to. I have no right to stand up there with them and grieve him." Maya said. "I really shouldn't even be here." Farkle could hear the bitterness in her voice.

"He's your father, too, Maya." He told her. She shook her head.

"No. He was for the first five years of my life, most of which I can't even remember. I got a few letters in the mail and a couple of birthday presents over the years. Last time I saw him in person was during that forgiving project in middle school, heard nothing again until he was in my dorm room with cancer." Maya listed off as she kept her gaze on her step siblings who were all looking to the ground and not saying anything.

"Are you going to go after the funeral is over and at least see them? Let them know you were here." Farkle said.

"Nope. Believe me, they wouldn't want me here." Maya remembered the way Savannah was towards her the last time she had seen them when she went to go visit her dad. The others maybe wouldn't have minded, but she wasn't about to cause issues today.

"So what's Josh's excuse for not being here with you?" Farkle asked her. Maya let out a deep breath.

"I didn't tell him either." Maya whispered. Farkle scoffed.

"There you go, Maya. What a great way to start a newly mended relationship. With a lie." He told her in a condemning voice.

"I didn't lie to him, I just didn't tell him about the funeral. He would have made me go up to them afterwards. I can't do that, Farkle." She whispered. Maya still hadn't told anyone about the deal that she had made with Kermit right before he died.

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