Chapter 2: Tension

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Y'all are going to think I'm crazy, but I read the Shadowhunter books for the first time and then I watched the show, now I can't unsee my Simon in this story as the Simon from the books and show.

After everything was unpacked in Riley and Maya's dorm room, the group walked down to the main entrance of the campus.

As they were all debating on where to get lunch, Farkle nodded his head over past them and waved someone over. Maya looked behind, and smiled big as she saw who it was.

"Mr. Walkers." Farkle greeted teasingly. "How was London?" He asked as Simon Walkers made his way over towards them from across campus. They gave each other a hug in greeting.

"Fancy." Simon answered with a breath or relief, as if he was glad to be back in New York. He looked over and grinned. "Blondie." Maya leaned in and hugged him. "Where's Prince Charming?" He asked her. Maya rolled her eyes as they broke apart.

"Taking his first big steps into the real world." She stated.

"You must be so proud." Simon told her teasingly.

Josh and Simon were still not the best of friends. But they both had come to a mutual understanding with each other. Maya was connected with the both of them, meaning that they were just Mutual acquaintances. Which they both could live with, as long as they didn't have to see each other every day.

"Hey, I'm sorry to hear about your dad." Simon told her on a more serious note. Maya shrugged her shoulders.

"Life moves on." She stated. Simon gave her a weird look before looking back over at the group. "You must be Smackle." He smiled. Maya snapped her head over, somewhere during her conversation with Simon, Smackle must have snuck up on them.

"Smackle!" Riley exclaimed as she practically tackled the girl into a hug. Smackle smiled slightly as she awkwardly patted Riley on the back before moving away from her.

"That would be me." She told them as she linked her arm through Farkles.

"I've heard a lot about you. Farkle wouldn't shut up about how amazing you are last year. I got to say though, I'm glad that you've decided to come to school here. Maybe now I'll get some sleep instead of being kept up all night." Simon joked as he gave Farkle a pointed look.

"Yeah Smackle, why did you decide to come back to New York?" Maya asked her. Smackle didn't say anything for a moment as she looked up at Farkle and then back at the group.

"I just decided that I'd rather be around my friends than strangers." There was something about her tone of voice that seemed off.

"Well we're just glad that you're back! This is going to be the best year yet!" Riley exclaimed. Once again her eyes met with Lucas's, and this time everyone in the group noticed.

They kept their gazes locked for a moment before they abruptly looked away again. Maya raised her eyebrows as she locked eyes with Simon who gave her an awkward glance.

The whole summer had been like this. Where occasionally they would talk to each other and try and work on the friendship. But it seemed if the memories were just a bit much for the both of them as they had their relationship in the back of their minds.

It had been causing weird tension in the rest of the friend group as well. Almost like it was hard for either of them to pick sides, which is what everyone was avoiding trying to do. Maya of course would always feel obligated to go on Riley's side. Not that she wouldn't anyway, she would never side against her best friend for anything.

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