Chapter 4: emotions

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Hi everyone! Thanks for reading and commenting on my stories! I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter!!

"I'm okay." Riley's broken voice called from Maya's lap. "Really, you can go to class." Maya shook her head, even though Riley couldn't see it. Riley had her head in Maya's lap as she was laying down on her bed. Maya was running her fingers through her hair.

"I'm not going to class." Maya stated. "I'm not leaving you here like this." Maya clenched her jaw tight at the thought of what had happened between Riley and Lucas. Even though they were broken up and technically Lucas didn't do anything wrong. It had still hurt Riley. And anything that hurt Riley, pissed Maya off.

"I'll be okay. I'm not going to let you suffer because of me. Go to class and just tell them that I wasn't feeling well." Riley told her she sniffled.

"I just don't feel right about leaving you like this. Maya whispered. Riley didn't say anything as she just clutched onto her pillow tighter that she was holding to her chest. "What else can I do?" She asked.

"I feel like such an idiot." Riley told her. "I know that we broke up. I know that I was the one who ended it. But seeing him with that girl-" Riley cut herself off as she felt a silent sob rack her body. Maya gently rubbed her shoulder. "I just feel so broken."

"You're not broken. You have a broken heart." Maya told her softly. Riley kept her face buried in her pillow. "I know that this isn't what you want to hear right now, but I think you're pretty incredible. And for Lucas, or any guy, to let you go that easily. Well, I think that's pretty dumb."

Riley didn't respond. Maya sighed as she ran her hand through Riley's hair one more time before shifting up. Riley got the message and leaned up out of her lap. She fell back down on the bed and buried her face back into the pillow as Maya put her shoes on.

"I'll be back before you know it. I'll bring you some lunch." Maya whispered. Riley's shoulders shook and Maya tightened her fist. She rubbed Riley's shoulder one more time before grabbing her bag and walking out the door.

Josh laid in his bed and stared at the ceiling as he heard the giggles and soft talk from the kitchen. It was eight in the morning and his day off from the bookstore. Not the time that he wanted to be woken up at. But it was Andrew's apartment, and he was being kind enough to let Josh crash here until he got back up on his feet. So the last thing Josh was going to do was complain.

"Shhh, you're going to wake Josh." He heard Andrews girlfriend, Layla say. He didn't hear what it was that Andrew said, but it got a squeal of laughter from her. Josh rolled his eyes as he turned over on his side to grab his phone.

He scanned over the good morning text that Maya sent him with a grin on his face. She should be in her first class by now. He sent a quick good morning text of his own asking her to call him later when she has time. The weekend really couldn't come fast enough.

Josh kicked the covers off him and got up. He took a moment to stretch his arms and crack his neck before standing up. He grabbed a random shirt from off the floor, smelt it to make sure it wasn't dirty, and then pulled it over his head.

He grinned at the thought of Maya watching him with a disgusted look on her face before forcing him to take it back off and put a fresh one on. It was just one of those things that he had grown habit to as a teenage boy. Then it became something he did just to mess with Maya when he realized how crazy it made her.

He walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth, shrugging off taking a shower until later. He ran his fingers through his hair a bit and grabbed some sweat pants to put them on over his boxers. He walked out of the room and was met with the smell of bacon and sausage with the sound of a frying pan sizzling. The giggles got louder as he rounded the corner to the kitchen. He really hoped he wasn't about to interrupt anything...

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