Chapt 14: The Bridge

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The bridge was quiet, no one had arrived yet. I quickly scouted the area, knowing that both groups would be here soon. Anya’s warriors would have the advantage, the trees were more thick and plentiful on her side of the bridge. Skaikru would need to present a strong front, but weapons were not to be shown. 

I spotted Anya and her unit standing just inside the tree line. Several archers made their way into the trees. 

“Onya.” I spoke up, dropping in front of her. 

“Goddess.” She bowed at the waist, looking at me. “What brings you here?” 

“Skaikru must be taken seriously. They are children, yes, but they are important. Their leader Clarke is smart. A healer and a leader.” 

She arched her eyebrow at me. “How important are the invaders?”

“Skaikru, Onya. They were thrown away from their home, they did not know we existed.” I corrected. “I have spoken with Clarke myself, along with one like me.” 

“Like you?” 

“Yes, like me. Her name is Kiran.” 

Anya took the information and began to think. As she took a moment to gather herself, I heard the commotion of Skaikru appearing. I nodded to the bridge, before spotting one of Lincoln’s brothers, Nyko. He spotted me and knelt. I lightly touched his forehead in thanks as I quickly moved by. Turning, I spotted Anya, in the middle of the bridge with Clarke. Movement off to the side brought my attention to a small group of warriors in the trees. Going to them, I stepped up behind the one giving the silent orders. As the archer looked to him for the firing order, I reached around his head and snapped his neck. The archer looked at me in horror as his fellow warrior fell to the ground at my feet. Turning back to the party on the bridge I caught sight of a small group in the trees near Clarke's side. One of them was looking right at me in shock, I nodded at him as I realized he'd seen the archer too and had been about to step out when I'd acted.



"Did you see that?" Jasper asked, nodding to Bellamy. "A grounder just killed another grounder..."

"What the hell are you talking about, I don't see anything."

"There... on the ground." He pointed to a lump in the grass. "It's a grounder, and look up there, in the tree near it."

"I don't see it." Raven said, glancing around him.

"THERE." He stated again, pointing at the ridge. "In the trees, bright red hair."

"I don't see it." Bellamy shook his head as he turned back to the bridge.

"I know what I saw, Bellamy. There's a grounder over there that killed another."

"It doesn't matter, come on. They're separating."

They quickly made their way to the bridge to meet Clarke, Finn, Octavia, and Lincoln as they walked back. The group whispered among themselves. 

"What happened?" Raven demanded as they got closer.

"It went fine, as far as I can see. It will take a few more meetings." Clarke stated, shrugging. 

"A Grounder killed another grounder, scared an archer into not firing at you, Clarke."

"I swear Jasper, you're the only one who saw anything."

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