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As I opened the iMessages app, I heard a knock at my door. Ugh, who could it be now??? I opened the door and I saw Kasey. Kasey looked upset. I signalled her to sit on the couch, and so she did. What if I really messed up on something? I was scared to talk, but I asked anyway...

"Umm...anything wrong?"

"..." she didnt say a word.

"Kasey, please talk to me." I said. Kasey just stared down at the floor.

"Just because I didn't answer my phone, doesn't mean you can steal my boyfriend, Kathryn Rose" Kasey said.

"Wait what?!" I said, suprisingly.

"I saw you, dont you dare LIE to ME!!!" She replied, angrily with tears in her face.

I stood up and said "I didn't steal your boyfriend! I didn't even know you had one!!!"

The she stood up "Shut up, never heard of Jake Thorn?!"

I put my hand on my forehead. They got back together?!

"Look, it was just a misunderstanding. I didnt steal your boyfriend, Kase!" I explained.

"Really?! Can you explain THIS?!" Kasey said, showing me a picture of Jake holding me close to his face.

"No, Kase. You dont understand. What happened was--"

"You stole my boyfriend. I am never going to forgive you for this." She walked out the door.

"No...Kasey!!!" I yelled.

"Can you at LEAST let me have a say in this?!" I yelled.

"I can't believe you would do this to me...we've been best friends since kindergarten. You wait, I warn you. Stay away from Jake and I. Or else it'll lead to consequenses." Kasey threatened. Tears started to roll down my face. I covered my face with my hands, fell on to the floor and cried. I heard the door slam. I asume Kasey hates me now. Then I heared another knock. The door opened and a voice said "Hello? Kathryn? I just saw Kasey bursting into tears and--- KATHRYN!!! ARE YOU OKAY?!". It was Alex. He picked me up and guided me to the couch. I removed my hands, revealing all the tears in my face. I looked down and thought "I'm such an awful friend. Why didn't I think this through? Of COURSE Jake was playing with me!". I started crying even more. Alex lifted my chin and wiped my tears. I flopped onto his chest and started crying even more. "C'mon, Lad! You can't keep crying for the rest of your life!" Alex comforted me. He grabbed his favourite handkerchief and handed it to me. I blew my nose in it. "Okayyyy, I'm not using that anymore" He said. That made me laugh a little. Alex held my shoulders and made me sit up straight. He looked me in the eyes, I'm guessing he was examinng how upset I was. "Whatd'ya say, lets walk in the park. Okay, Kat?" He suggests. I noded with a sad grin, took my jacket and headed off with him to the park.

At the park, we sat at the same bench I sat on earlier today. I felt so weak, I barely crossed the side walk without Alex's help. My head hurt really badly. I feel so sad that I never knew. I don't know...I feel closer to Alex than Kasey. I mean, like, Alex IS the first person I met at kindergarten. But, from the past few years, she seems like she was drifting away from me. Like she was avoiding me. Last summer, Me and Alex went to Bora Bora with our families. I asked if Kasey wanted to come, but she didnt respond to me. But when Alex texted her, she sent like a speech to him about not wanting to come. I really wonder if something happened. What happened to both of us? She doesn't trust me. But I trusted her so much. All I'm asking is...Why? All this thinking was clouding up in my head, making it hurt even worse. So I layed my head on Alex's shoulder. I don't know why, but Alex makes me feel so safe. He's like a really good big brother to me, even though he's younger than me by one month. By then all my tears have dried. I was feeling better. So me and "Big-bro" Alex were walking to my house when...

"KATHRYN ROSE WESTCHESTER!" A voice yelled. I looked behind me and I saw...great, it's Jake. Kasey JUST told me to stay away from him. I'm mad at him, too. He is cheating on my best friend! Well....I hope she still is. Jake walked up to me and said "I finally used your real name, by the waaahhhh.....what happened to you?" He asked. Alex all of a sudden defensive. Ya see, big brother! Then, Alex said "It's none of your buisness, Jake. So, stop bugging her.". Wow, de javu...just like kindergarten. But this time Jake talked back "If it's none of my buisness, then it ain't your's either! Can I just ask if she's okay? It's not like your her BOYFRIEND". I gasped I tried to talk but then my chest started to hurt. I think I cried too much. Crap, I left my inhaler at home. They started arguing again.

"Excuse me, but I knew her since kindergarten and never left her side. You however, bullied her on the first day!" Alex said defensivley.

"British honey, please. Go back to drinking tea and eating crumpets. I can comfort her, too okay?" Jake said. Wow, that was racist.

"Okay, Lad. Just BACK OFF!" Alex took off his glasses and pushed Jake. I could see the anger in his Jade green eyes. This is the first time I realized his eyes. Jake looks angry too. But, he seems angrier than all the other times I've seen him angry. Alex started to tackle Jake. But he was too weak. Jake then punched him in the gut, making Alex fall to the ground. I gasped in fear. Then Jake said "Yeesh, anyway Kath--". I stared at Jake. He stopped talking. He tried to hug me but I stepped back. "You are a selfish jerk! Why would you hurt someone to get what you want?!" I cried. "No, no, I didn't mean to hurt YOU, Kathryn. Please" Jake apologized. I welled up in tears again. My vision got blurry, then I started to pass out. The last thing I saw was Jake and Alex running up to me.

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