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It had been about 38 hours since Aubrey and Noah left New York, and in 4 hours her and Noah would be in LA

"Wait who all knows I'm coming?" Aubrey said her heart beating a little faster now

"Well Thomas, planned on telling everyone an hour before we got there because it's supposed to be a surprise" Noah said unsure of his sisters reaction to the news, his eyes switched from her face to the road

Aubrey's mouth went straight

"Seriously, so no one knows I'm coming?" Aubrey said

"Well I didn't say that, Thomas, Alex, Larray and Nai know your coming" Noah said turning left on the Highway

"Oh, well what if they don't like me" Aubrey said her stomach churning at the thought of living in a house where no one likes her

"There going to like you, everyone is nice and even if they didn't, you could always move out and live with me and Dixie" Noah said reassuring Aubrey

"I'm not moving in with you, I'll probably just live with Fred" she said

"That works too, I wasn't really going to let you move in" Noah said smirking as he turned into a gas station

"I didn't want to move in with you anyway" Aubrey said punching his shoulder as he parked to get gas

"Ow, I'm not buying you anything now" he said as they both got out of the car

Aubrey laughed as they pulled out there masks and put them on

They walked into the store and a small bell rang above them, quiet laughs could be heard and soft music, from the dusty speakers on the ceiling

"I'll get snacks you get gas, deal?" Aubrey said as looking at Noah,

"Alright, deal"

Aubrey went to the back and got drinks, 2 Red Bull's and 2 sodas for her and Noah, she walked into the snack aisle and got chips, and candy

She put everything on the counter and the guy scanned it

"25.52 ma'am"

Aubrey pulled out her card, swiping it through the machine,

"Alright ma'am, would you like a receipt" the boy asked

"Um sure," she said as she putt her card back into her pocket, he handed her the white paper and she grabbed her bags and walked out the door, the bell at the top letting out another quiet ring

Aubrey walked to the car getting in, Noah was already waiting for her, she handed him his stuff

"Is it me or is it starting to get hot" Aubrey said as she pushed her hair back and fanned herself with her hands,

"Ya it's getting hot, because of oceanic humidity," Noah said as he started up the car

Aubrey took off her jacket, and set it on her lap,

"It will get colder though, because it's December, it'll be like 60 degrees tonight" Noah said as he started driving out of the store parking lot

Aubrey nodded and got on her phone,

"I have to call the furniture store, to get a bed"
Aubrey said groaning

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