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Mature scene
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The waiter served the main dish for tonight's celebration, a medium cooked steak and some salad.

"To the birthday girl!" Yuzuha stood up and picked up a glass filled with wine to do a toast.

All of them followed and cheered for many birthday wishes for the 26 year-old woman quietly sitting down.

"Thanks, to me I guess?" Y/n suggested and took a drink from the wine glass.

After taking many shots of wine as they laugh during the celebration, she left like the restroom is going to welcome her.

Not to throw up, but just to recharger herself to face the current situation. Being overwhelmed is not something she ever wished for to have.

She tapped the drunken Yuzuha's shoulder and excused herself to the restroom. "Sure, just be quick and don't leave us." her friend pleaded and held her arm.

"I'll be quick." Y/n excused herself and grabbed her purse to leave the private room at the second floor.

When shes finally at the hallway, she took out another Cigs and lighted it while finding a waiter to ask where's the restroom.

Or maybe theres no need to find one, since she already saw a huge sign at the end hall.

Luckily it wasn't one of those typicall cubicles, she just hated smoking inside that place. She just wanted to be alone afterall.

She pushed the mahogany door with her body and stumbled a little. Y/n immediately went to the sink to rest both of her arms to the side as she exhale the Cigs.

"Dang, thats a frustrating one. I can't even stay with them for more longer." The woman complained, its not that she doesn't want to socialize with them. Shes just confused upon what to do anymore.

Birthdays aren't usually her thing to enjoy and make a big deal with it, she just feels tired over  it again and again.

"Its fucking same, nothings new. What the hell do i even do." She whispered and looked down the sink puffing another smoke.

Suddenly she was startled, because the door knob began to turn. Her heavy eyes lit up and tried to hold the knob from opening.

But it was too late, since it was already pushed open revealing the stranger she had met earlier.

"What the fuck are you? a stalker or a delinquent." The woman blurted out and threw her cigs away as a sign to leave.

"You take a guess, maybe you are the stalker here." The male demanded and went inside the restroom locking the door right away.

He put out his hands and pointed to the Cigs, "Buy your own Cigs, you creep." Y/n said but still gave him one, she even lit it.

"Its Hanma Shuji, not creep store that inside your little head brat." Hanma, the taller man introduced himself.

"Then its also Y/n L/n, not brat Mr. Hanma." Y/n sternly said and tried to open the door but Hanma just wouldn't move.

Until 27 || 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐣𝐢Where stories live. Discover now