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2 months ago

The rain finally stopped crying, it was around 5:30 PM, and the three of them arrived at a nearby train station.

Hanma noticed that Ran had stopped the car, which confused him because they were still in Paris.

"Let's go. What are you waiting for? We'll take the train. It's not like I can drive to Gordes for 7 hours. That's a little harsh for me." Ran said and removed his seatbelt, Rindou then left the car first.

"What about your car?" Hanma asked Ran when he got out of his car.

"Oh, that? Don't bother, I stole it." Ran shrugged off and laughed with Rindou as he threw the silver key somewhere.

"Really? Even in France." Hanma said while his face was full of disappointment but not surprised.

"It's like a typical day, Shuji. Chill your ass it's what we do." Rindou joked and patted his back.

"If you're worried about the police catching us, don't be. If you keep on being a slow walker, they will catch up," said Ran, who waved his hands in Hanma's face.

Hanma shakes his head and left a chuckle; old habits never die for these two. Even on business terms, they still manage to steal a car.

He then raised his arms in defeat and followed the two of them inside the station.

Ran is lining up at the counter to buy tickets for their ride to Gordes. Rindou then excused himself to Hanma because he will use the bathroom.

Hanma is now alone, sitting in the empty bleachers, his eyes plainly staring at the passing trains and people.

It sounded impulsive for him to go with the Haitanis, a 7-hour trip to Gordes to talk to Mikey in person.

God knows how much hard it is to find Mikey. This is why he never disagrees whenever he's being requested to meet up.

The tired man continued to stare at nothing, his mind filled with concern as time passed by.

He then earned a tap on his shoulder, and when he looked for the person who did it, he saw an old face.

"Yo, Hanma, it's been so long since I last saw you." a tall man in a long black coat greeted him.

"Indeed, it was a long time, Kakucho," Hanma replied with his usual smile and tapped the seat next to him to signal the Man to sit next to him.

"Shocking, isn't it? You suddenly meet us again. I bet Ran and Rindou didn't tell you about me being here at the station." Kakucho, the man next to him, said.

"Yes, they didn't tell me about you accompanying us here," Hanma answered and saw Ran walking to them, waving their tickets.

"There you are, late as usual. Anyway, where's Rindou?" Ran let out and gave one of the tickets to Kakucho.

"He's still in the bathroom," Hanma said to Ran and stood up.

"Apparently, I'm not. I just came back." Rindou disagreed to Hanma and waved to his companions.

"What's up with Kakucho being late, you should have come with us to the hospital and not make Hanma confused." Rindou complained and grabbed the ticket from his brother.

"Hah, me? Go with the devil. No way, the both of you carnapped, I ain't riding a stolen vehicle, and also I have other matters to go with. I believe I told you that before I left the two of you." Kakucho explained himself to Rindou, still being annoyed.

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