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The dawn came, and she scrunhed her face. Groaning and grunting in annoyance. She tried to shift her position but a strong arm stopped her from squirming.

A loud moan came out from her mouth still struggling to move away from the light. "Stay still. I don't wanna get up yet." deep sleepish voice came out of no where.

Making her eyes open wide. Hanma is currently hugging her. Rubbing his face in your hair while massaging your hips.

After a sudden realization you bursted a laughter to start his morning. He clicked his tongue and released his grip.

Groaning as he pushed the covers to the both of you. Then you tried to get up however he pulled your waist again to hit his chest.

"Its too early. I'm still tired." He complained in his morning voice.

"Hmm, no no...Get up." She tried to pull him but nothing works.

"I let the staffs rest today. So no one made breakfast." He answered eyes still closed.

"I'll make one. C'mon, pleasee?" She begged him and shaked his body.

He opened his eyes and then shifted his gaze towards her glorious body. He stared for too long his thoughts drifted.

"Hm? what..why are you staring." She asked and cupped his face.

"Nothing, i just suddenly thought that i should marry you." He seriously said in a blank face.

You jolted and got away from his grip. Eyes wide open, messy hair parted from her shoulders, red ears and overall a loading mind.

"No. Im serious, Marry me?" He laughed and rumagged his drawers, grapping a small black box.

Showing a plain pearly white ring with a medium sized diamond. The reaction was you covering your face laughing.

"Yes, yes i do." You nod and nod as you answered him still giggling.

You gave him your hand as he inserted the ring. Biting his lip in happiness.

"When did you even thought of this." She asked. eyeing the ring in her finger.

"Since the day i said that i'm your fiance, well i actually wanted to give it at the rest house. Turns out i have to argue with you. I asked myself if i'd sell the ring out. Though it suits you." He explained while holding your hand.

"So you're locking terms with me?" She asked still smilling.

"If its you, fuck then why not?" He answered in a deep voice, then leaned over to cup your cheeks as the distance between the lips ended and sealed.

Kissing you deeply, while he snaked his hands on your back falling into the matress. The kiss broke with a satisfied smile. "Dang, I'm already stuck with you now. Is my commitment enough now?" He asked.

"Of course. It's more than that. Thank you, and oh yeah i love you." She said without ease kissing him again.

He laughed and stared at you again. Why? he just knows that you wont be stealed away.

He knows that you're not easy to sway. But he knows that you started feeling butterflies.

"Yeah baby, i do know and lets go make breakfast." Hanma said then grabbed another pair of clothing to cover the both of you up.

It was the usual mornings he'd choose to have forever. The smell of food and your gentle scent in his clothes makes him too happy.

So much that he's scared that you'll fly away from his eyes. He'd sacrifice and do anything because he's just afraid.

Until 27 || 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐣𝐢Where stories live. Discover now