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Mature scene
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The sun is already asleep when she reached the usual home, parking her car at the garage.

She got inside and threw the tote bag again from somewhere, running upstairs to fix her clothes since Hanma texted her again. That he's serious about taking her for tonight.

Y/n grabbed a small black-matte suitcase to put a few clothes for tonight and maybe for the next few days because hanma never explained how long is the so-called vacay.

Then she removed her casual outfit and grabbed a random plain white dress with a slit on the sides, reaching her knees and wore the same heels from her birthday.

Brushing her hair at the vanity mirror and putted on some strawberry lip balm.

Grabbing her phone to see the notification pop-up, an 'Almost there' message from Hanma made her stood up and went down stairs to wait for him.

However she felt hungry since she havent ate any dinner yet, visiting her nearly empty fridge then remembering the strawberry cake that she got a while ago.

Sitting down her kitchen counter as she took a bite of the cake. Savoring the sweet but bitter taste of it while waiting for the man.

Checking her phone again to see any updates but none. Then a knock came from her door setting the cake aside to check who's knocking.

Since she don't remember sending any visitors tonight. "Who's there?" She asked and slowly opened the door.

Then a silver haired man with a peace sign greeted her, "Hey! Sorry for comming without a notice but how's the day going." Mitsuya the only one takashi asked her.

She opened the door more wider and let the man in, well apparently he wasn't supposed to be here. But after drunk-calling mitsuya few years ago about her brother he never stopped to drop by her house.

"It's okay Takashi, I'm just leaving for tonight okay? You know getting fresh air." Y/n said while mitsuya raised his brows.

"Leaving? Where and who you comming with." He asked and grabbed the poor tote bag.

"Just a friend, picking me up to go at a beach rest house or something." Answering the man's question he sat down hugging the bag.

"See thats called a terrible liar. First of all Yuzuha doesn't have a beach house and second no you don't have any new friends aside from us." Mitsuya pointed out and gave out a sigh.

"What? C'mon stop being concern about me. I'll be fine i swear." Y/n told mitsuya, grabbing her cake again to take a bite.

"I'll be seeing that friend of yours before they take you away." Mitsuya demanded and shut his eyes off.

"No, my friend's shy okay. And please stop it you should worry about Yuzuha not me." Y/n changed the topic.

Well ofcourse she doesn't want her friend finding out about the damn Delinquent.

"Alright! I'll go pick her up from the club. Just text me when you arrive at the beach." The man finally then surrendered and stood up to leave.

When she opened the door, another man greeted her but isn't pleased at all.

The one and only Hanma Shuji with a pissed off and darkened expression. "Oh, you're not in the car." He welcomed.

Until 27 || 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐣𝐢Where stories live. Discover now