✾ drink water
being dehydrated can make your skin look dull and dry. By drinking plenty of water, you can prevent this from happening and restore radiance to your skin. drink at least 64 ounces of water a day
✾ use lukewarm water
while washing your face with hot water may feel good, especially when it is cold out, it can actually make your skin dry. Hot water dries skin out and leaves it looking dull
✾ change pillowcases
if you have acne prone skin, changing your pillowcases often can be very helpful. Dirt, oil, and dead skin can collect on your pillowcase each night and clog your pores. As a result, your skin can break out more easily
✾ scrub
exfoliators are all used to remove dead skin cells and speed the turnover of skin cells. As great as this product can be, it is also expensive. A free alternative is to use the rough side of a wash cloth and scrub vigorously. This is a gentle way to exfoliate your skin that will give you similar results without any irritation
✾ always take your makeup off
if you are guilty of sleeping in your makeup, you may want to reconsider this practice. Sleeping in makeup can clog pores and cause acne. It can also irritate your skin and result in redness and dullness. Any easy way to remedy these problems is to make sure you always take a few minutes before bed to wash your makeup

Life hacks, DIYs, and Tips
RandomJust a whole bunch of life hacks , DIYs , and tips. •☆*.✦◦•☆*.✦◦•☆*.✦◦•☆*.✦◦•