Chapter 1 [Talk]

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'...'  means they are thinking something
"...." means they are talking
Denki's⚡️ POV:
Hi! My name is Denki Kaminari. My Quirk is Electrification,'Whatever that is'. To make it easier, I can make electricity come out of my body. But the drawback is that if I go over my limit, I go dumb or something like that. 'That's what my friends say anyway, if i can call them my friends' Anyway, my friends are Kirishima,Sero,Mina,Jiro,and Bakuguo. And my sexuality is that i am gay.'But no one knows that, Now lets go to the present'
Today, was a normal day. I woke a little late. Got dressed, and headed to school (running,of course). I just got to class right on time. Everyone was here already, so I awakardly [Is that even a word?] sat down. And soon, Mr.Dadzawa... I mean Mr.Aizawa came in and started the lecture.
As he was teaching, I didn't pay attention. I started to day dream about my grades and what I should do with it, since it was dropping. I heard someone call my name,and I see the whole class looking at me. My anxiety started to kick in. But I covered it up, by saying "Did you say something teach?". "I said Do you know the answer to question four?" Mr.Aizawa said. "No teach" I said quietly. "Kaminari, you need to pay attention more. Or else you are not going to pass." "Yes teach" I said slightly scared.
After Class
Before, I got out the door, Mr.Aizawa said to stay behind after class. So I stayed.

[the format is going to change now]

Kaminari⚡️: So why did you want me to stay teach.
Dadzawa☕️: Kaminari your grades are dropping
Kaminari: I know and?
Dadzawa: Kaminari, if you don't raise your grades more you will fail
Kaminari:O-oh um, I will ask someone to tutor me then.
Dadzawa: try Momo or Bakuguo
Kaminari: O-okay
Dadzawa: you okay? Kaminari
Kaminari: Y-yea, I am okay Mr.Aizawa
Mr.Aizawa: Okay, you should go. Your going to be late
Kaminari: okay, see you teach
And like that I left...

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