Chapter 2 [Who to pick? New friend?]

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POV: Denki Kaminari (still, btw 1st person):

As I was walking to my next period ; I started thinking on who could tutor me. Momo was a good choice because she is patient and nice, but sometimes she can go a little (which i mean a lot) overboard with some stuff. Also I do not want her to keep talking about Jiro to me, it sometimes gets a little too much. It also makes me sad that I am single. Though, Bakubro... Sorry I meant Bakugou is um persistence and one of my friends. I think me and Bakugou are friends ; I mean I hope we are. Moving on, his persistence kinda helps the information get into my dumb head. Even though the information gets into my head, he's words hurt me a bit.

POV 3rd:

As Denki kept thinking, he didn't notice the purple head and the bush hair coming to his direction. [One of the cliches moves of every fanfiction/high school romance is coming up.]Denki collides with the tall purple head. "Sorry my man" Denki apologizes. As he looks up, he sees a beautiful [chicken nugget? No sorry to disappoint] purple headed guy. [Which we all should know.] Shinsou Hitoshi, the (gay) guy that Midoriya fought with in the sports festival. While Denki is daydreaming about the purple haired boy, that very same boy is trying to get his attention.

POV Shinsou(1st person):

I have been trying to catch Kaminari's attention for the past 2 minutes to say its fine ,but all he does is stare back. I didn't even control him ; he just stood like that. I look over at Midoriya to try to see if he can help me. But he is also confuse as I am. I am running late ,but I don't want him to be just like this. So the safe option is to keep trying to wake him up from this weird trance.


Will Shinsou and Midoriya get Kaminari's attention? Will I ever post something regularly like this again?

I guess, we'll never know. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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