Chapter 1

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As soon as that word appeared on the screen of your laptop, a little scream of excitement left your lips. You'd done it. You were in.

It was satisfying to see the hard work pay off. After all, you had received a scholarship for one of the most sought after universities in the country. Finally, life was falling into place. The following Friday was when you waved goodbye to your family and headed on a one way ticket to London. You'd never ventured as far before especially to somewhere like London by yourself. However, you felt drawn to it. Like you belonged and besides.. it would do wonders for your career.

It was an evening journey and thankfully the weather was on your side. With your long hair bundled in a messy bun as you sat in a stone coloured oversized hoodie, you shuffled through the various different playlists you'd created until you found one that fitted your mood. Music and writing had always had such an important place in your life. Perhaps this was why you were pursuing the path of becoming an author?

"At the next stop, we'll be arriving at.. Paddington Station" said the female robotic voice. "Finally" you thought before yawning. It was pitch black outside and no one was about. As fearless as you were, you wished that you had someone with you especially at this hour in such an unfamiliar place. You sat on a rustic bench after getting off the train under a faded streetlight to let your parents know you'd arrived safely. Now, where the hell to find this building.

Walking through the dark and windy streets of London, you were tired and hungry. You had no clue where the fuck you were going. Lost was an understatement. Your phone had frozen due to the temperature and you presumed that it had most likely died if not - just your luck.

The streetlights jeered down at you as you walked along the pavement. It was pouring with rain and there was nothing you wanted more in the world than to be snuggled in bed with a cup of freshly brewed tea.

In the distance, you saw a group of young boys no older than you possibly around the same age. You attempted to hurry past them both out of embarrasment and the fact you didn't want to get murdered on your first night in London before your stupid bloody case burst open. "Oh for fecksake" you grumbled, picking up soggy dark garments that had fallen onto the wet path. "Not like my day can get any worse" you laughed to yourself, wiping the tears and securing the case. If you didn't laugh, you'd cry. "I don't suppose any of you know where King's is? I'm completely lost" you smiled, laughing nervously. "Its just on this road then take a sharp left turn follow the road on a bit and it should be on your right" one of the boys said. He was fairly tall with dark eyes and a rounded face. "I'm Billy" said the young boy. "I start King's in September and it took me and my Mum ages to find it.. she kept getting lost but it'll be nice to have a familiar face"

"Oh bless her" you laughed, at the thought of how stressed the poor woman must've been. "I'm so glad I now at least know one person in this crazy city" you smiled back. "I now am going to get myself out of this bloody rain but hopefully see you around?" you said. "Hopefully" he said before you walked away, dragging the case behind you. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all? At least you now had some sort of friend down here.

Just as the boy Billy whatever his name was had said, Kings College stood on your right. The accommodation thankfully was directly opposite. "Hi i'm Y/N i'm so sorry that i'm late" you said, walking up to the frontal desk. "Sorry we're closed" the woman said, pointing at a board that read 10am-7pm. "Oh please couldn't you make an exception. I've had a bloody awful day as well as a long journey down here. I have nowhere else to go" you begged and pleaded. "5 minutes and I'll give you the rest of the walkthrough tommorow" she snapped. "Thankyou so much" you said with a sigh of relief. She gave you a key then led you down the hall and up a staircase to where you'd be staying.

It was quite traditional. A bed much larger than a single but not quite as big as a double. The room itself was quite small to your disappointment especially for the price but it would do for now. Throwing your case on the floor, you got changed into a pair of pyjamas with pink fluffy bed socks and snuggled into bed. The moment your head hit the pillow, you were gone. Dreaming about the events of the day you'd just had. About the kindness you'd been shown from Billy and his friends and how your situation could've been much different if he wasn't there at that moment.

okay hi besties. i think im deffo gonna enjoy writing this one because lets face its helena bonham fcking carter. hope your all well <3

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