Chapter 8 - NSFW

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Raw. The only way to describe it. The only way to describe the emotions running through your mind conflicting with your current mental state. You chose an outfit that would wind Helena up for you were unbelievably talented at that. A red dress that was.. far too short for a typical family dinner. A matching red lip and butterfly clips. Helena always had a softness for butterflies. You'd noticed them infact around the house. Placed randomly but still there. Even in Nell's room, butteflies were painted beautifully on the walls. Their wings made out of the most brilliant shades of purple.

You arrived at the Bonham-Carter/Burton residence at approximately 6pm expecting Helena to open the door. To your shock, a man did. "Ah you must be Y/N" he smiled, which repulsed you. "I'm Tim" he said, holding out his hand. "Billy's dad".

"Hi" you said, politely as you entered the house and headed up to your room. You felt rage. Or was it sadness? Throwing your bag and body on the double bed, you were overwhelmed with emotion as you felt tears drip into the quilt.
"Y/N" a voice called. "Fuck" you thought as you quickly dried your eyes. "I've missed you so much" Billy said, giving you a huge hug. "Oh Bill I've missed you too". You suddenly saw Tim watching but you didn't care. You wanted him to see this. To see you hugging Billy. After all, it was all part of your plan.

You had dinner together. You, Helena, Billy, Nell and Tim. All sat round a circular table. You didn't even acknowledge Helena as you sat down. No hugs were given and no kisses were exchanged. It was like you were practically strangers. You felt her eyes on you waiting for a reaction but you didn't give it to her. She didn't deserve it. "So, it looks like you and Billy are getting closer" Tim smiled. He really was such a devastatingly ugly man. With beetle black eyes and a grey stubble. He looked old. Age had not been kind to him. His teeth were crooked and mishapen. How the hell he had Helena Bonham Carter as his long term partner you would never know.

"Don't listen to anything that paper says" Helena suddenly snapped. You raised your eyebrows as Billy laughed in response. "We only took Nell for ice cream Mum" he said, as Helena bit her lip hard in order to hold her tongue. "That hug seemed more than friendly" Tim laughed as Helena's eyes shot back up again. "What's up Hel?" Tim asked. "Nothing" she muttered. "So Tim" you said, quickly cutting Helena off. "How's work?" you said, trying to seem interested. "Really good" he replied. "I'm currently directing a new movie called Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" he said. "Oh" you replied. "Yeh I'm working with a lovely actress named Eva" he smiled. You smiled back sarcastically as you made eye contact for the first time with Helena.

She was muttering to herself but then  she quickly saw you and looked away. "Typical" you thought as Tim suddently noticed. "Helena wha-" "Time to clear away" she said quickly. "Billy go sort your sister for bed" she said. "Y/N.. occupy yourself" she said, coldly. "What a complete and utter bitch" you thought, as you headed out. Not long after it started.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS TIM" Helena screamed. "Helena what the FUCK are you talking about?" he said. "About fucking EVA GREEN" she cried. "I've done nothing but be a supportive wife to you yet you still choose to disrespect me like that"

"I WORK WITH HER" he yelled. "OH TO HELL WITH WORK. IS THAT WHY YOU NEVER HAVE TIME FOR ME ANYMORE? WHY YOU NEVER HAVE TIME FOR OUR FAMILY ANYMORE" she cried. Her voice was full of pure heartache. "OH I CAN'T DEAL WITH YOU" he replied. "GOOD WALK AWAY TIM WALK AWAY" she screamed following him out into the hall. "GO FUCKING SEE EVA" she sobbed. "MAYBE I WILL" he yelled before slamming the door behind him. "Fucking idiot" she cried, falling to the floor. "Hey" you said, holding her in your arms. "fuck yo-" she cried before breaking as you held her. It was quiet for a moment. With Helena internally screaming as your mind raced. She was broken. Her heart had shattered and you were left to pick up the pieces.

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