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Once upon a time long long ago...we'll more like 20 years ago Belle married her beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. Big cake, yeah. So instead of a honeymoon Beast United all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United States of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks and the chaotic people, basically all the really interesting people. And he booted them off to the Isle of the lost. This is my hood. No wi-fi, no magic, no way out. Or so I thought. But I'm not like the others on the Isle. My father is Discord spirit of Chaos and Disharmony but my mother is Fluttershy holder of the kindness element of Harmony. We moved from canterlot to Auradon when I was around 1 but everyone thought that my father couldn't be trusted so they threw him in the Isle of the lost and they threw me in as fear I would turn out just like him and wreck havoc over Auradon. But hang on your about to meet me but first this happened.

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