Auradon prep

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(Diana's outfit)

(Diana's POV)I heard from the other four VK's here that they tried to steal Fairy godmothers wand that was at a museum last night

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(Diana's POV)
I heard from the other four VK's here that they tried to steal Fairy godmothers wand that was at a museum last night. They're not that smart obviously. Even though my dad didn't tell me to steal the wand like their parents did I was going to help because I want my dad off that island and could you imagine how much chaos it would be. And now we're all five sitting in what the people here are calling remedial goodness 101 and you guessed class. Mal and Evie sat together across from them was Jay and Carlos and behind them was me alone like normal. I sat with my feet on the desk not really paying any attention.
"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you A) Curse it? B) lock it in a tower? C) give it a bottle? Or D) carve out its heart?" Fair godmother said and I rolled my eyes. Evie raised her hand "Evie?" Fair godmother called on her
"What was the second one again?" Evie said
"Oh, okay. Anyone else?" Fairy godmother said but no one raised their hands "Diana?" She said and everyone looked towards me
"Uh C) give it a bottle" I said before looking away from everyone staring at me.
"Correct again" fairy godmother said
"You are on fire girl!" Carlos said
"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like complete chaos" I said and they all realized. Soon a girl around our age ran in.
"Oh hello dear one" Fairy godmother said to the girl
"Hi you need to sign off an early dismissal for the coronation" the girl said keeping her eye on the five of us.
"Everyone here remembers my daughter Jane?" Fairy godmother said
"Mom no!" Jane said
"Oh it's okay. Jane this is everyone" fairy godmother said
"Hi. That's okay, don't mind me. As you were" Jane said before she ran out of the room my eyes followed her before she left the room.
"Let's continue" Fairy godmother said as I zoned out think of a plan.

(Time skip)
Me, Mal and Evie were at our lockers both me and Mal painted ours her having her mothers silhouette with the words "Long live Evil" mine having my dad is his draconeques form in a stained class window style with chaos around him
(Example by: Kanochka)

(Time skip)Me, Mal and Evie were at our lockers both me and Mal painted ours her having her mothers silhouette with the words "Long live Evil" mine having my dad is his draconeques form in a stained class window style with chaos around him (Exampl...

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I overheard talking near us.
"Those kids are trouble" Chad son of Prince Charming and Cinderella said
"Bye Mal, bye Diana" Evie said walking away
"Bye" Mal said
"Come on Chad. Give them a chance" Ben said
"No offense Bennybear, but you're just too trusting. I know your mother fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince. But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy....that girls mother" Audrey said making Mal close her locker
"I heard that" she said before walking away leaving me alone again.
"Don't forget the fact that that girl could probably destroy all of Auradon with the snap of her fingers!" Chad said obviously talking about me
"I think you're wrong about them. I'll see you later" Ben said. I closed my locker to find Ben leaning on the one next to it "Hey!" he said
"Hey" I said
"How was your first day of school?" he asked with a smile
"Super" I said sarcastically before he looked at my locker
"You should really think about taking this talent off the locker and into art class. I could sign you up" he said as I saw Jane pass by.
"Way to take all the fun out of it" I said following the girl into the bathroom.
Jane was looking in the mirror fixing her hair that was in an unfortunate bob with a blue headband that had a small bow attached to the top.
"Hi!" I said a little too loudly which scared Jane causing her to go wide eyes when she saw me through the mirror and then she turned to face me with a face that looked like I just murdered someone in front of her "It's Jane right? I've always loved that name, Jane!" I said with a fake smile
"That's cool" she said before trying to walk out
"Don't go!" I said trying to stop her from leaving but then I realized that scaring her would not work so I backed up "I guess I was just hoping to make a friend. You know the other VKs and me, we don't really know each other all that well" I said which technically was true, we grew up on different areas of the isle, sure we knew each other but I wasn't super close with them "you probably have all the friends you need though huh?" I finished
"Hardly..." she said looking down
"Really? I mean with your mother being fairy godmother and headmistress? I mean not to mention your own um...personality!" I said with the fakest smile ever
"I'd rather be pretty" she said before looking up at me "you've got great hair!" She said making me look down at a strand of my pink hair.
"You know what I have just the thing for that!" I smiled. I looked at her hair and imagined what I wanted her hair to look like before snapping my fingers. Her hair transformed into a longer wavy style. She looked over in the mirror in awe as I stood back and watched.
"Wow! You almost don't notice your...other features anymore" I said playing it up, she was pretty but I needed her for my plan and this was the best way to do it. She turned back to me still in awe.
"Do my nose!" She said
"Oh I can't. I've been practicing, but you know, I can't do really big magic yet" I said making her look away in disappointment "not like your mom with her wand! One swoosh from that thing and you can probably have any features you want" I said
"She doesn't use the wand anymore. She believes that real magic is in the books. And not spell books, regular books with history and stuff" she said
Sounds like that whole "friendship is magic" my dad always talked about...
"What a rip..." I said
"Yeah..." she said quietly
"She used magic on Cinderella, who wasn't even her real daughter. Doesn't she love you?" I said really playing up the manipulation.
"Well of course she does, it's just, you know, tough love. Work on the inside not the outside. You know, that sort of thing" she said trying to be optimistic but her face fell.
"That's the face!" I said loudly to which she looked up confused "yeah and you just look as if your hearts about to break!" I said "oh mother I just don't understand why you can't make me beautiful too" I demonstrated
"Think that would work?" She asked with hope in her voice
"Yeah. I mean that's what old Cindy did right? And your mother bibbidi-bobbidi-booed the living daylights out of her" I said "and hey, if your mom does decide to, you know, break out the old wand, invite me!" I smiled at her
"If I can convince mom, you're so there" she said
"Yay!" I said with a small clap of my hands. She left the bathroom and I followed behind shortly with a new smirk on my face.
Too easy

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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