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(Diana outfit)

(Diana outfit)

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(3rd POV)

in a deep part of The Isle of the lost lived a young girl alone with her father. This girl was Diana daughter of Discord. She sat in her bed eating grape when her dad walked in.

"Diana there's a letter for you from Auradon" he said

"Set it on my desk" Diana said eating another grape

"I think it's important" he said setting the letter down on her desk and then leaving. She stood up walking towards the desk and opened it.

"Dear Diana. Due to a new proclamation from Prince Benjamin we invite you to attend Auradon prep as one of our students. A limousine is set to arrive later tonight around 6PM be ready with you're bags and we will drive you to Auradon prep -Queen Belle and King Adam" Diana read the letter before she groaned "That sounds pitiful"

"OhOh that sounds like fun!" Discord said before she turned around jumping.

"You have got to stop doing that" Diana said "And what do you mean by fun?"

"Being invited to the illustrious Auradon Prep? Ohhh" Discord said clapping his hands

"Auradon doesn't sound that nice. It's basically just a place full of prissy pink princesses that are-" Diana started before discord started talking
"You do know I'm friends with a princess right?" Discord said
"Yea I know you've told me about five times....every day" Diana said
"Either way you're going" discord said. Diana groaned and fell onto her bed as discord walked away.
"This is gonna be an interesting trip" Diana said to herself

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