Mama Little? (Part 1)

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It had been a pretty chaotic day in the ATEEZ dorm. They'd had the day off after a long three weeks of tightly packed promotions for their new album. Everyone had been readily awaiting the time off, especially the groups three known littles, Jongho, Mingi and Yunho. They'd had to hold off their headspaces for so long and as soon as they had heard of a full day off, they'd been ecstatic.

The morning had gotten off to an abrupt start, Jongho's cries waking up the two eldest of the group as well as his roommate and fellow little. Mingi's cries had quickly joined Jongho's and soon the whole dorm was awake and full of life.

Jongie and Minnie had both regressed to toddler age whereas Yunnie, the precious bean, was too little to speak that morning. San and Hongjoong worked together to get the two elder littles dressed in matching outfits, Wooyoung and Yeosang worked on getting Yunnie prepared for the day and Seonghwa made breakfast for everyone.

The dorm was bustling with energy as everyone sat at the table, breakfast going by quickly, save for Jongie and Minnie insisting that they must eat each other's plate of food rather than the ones set in front of them, no matter how many times the caregivers switched them.

After breakfast it was TV time, the littles got settled in the lounge room with the younger caregivers whilst Seonghwa and Hongjoong cleaned up the mess left by the breakfast. They worked in silence, both enjoying listening to the oohs and aahs coming from the littles.

The silence was broken by a single stressed sigh of "Oh god."

"What's wrong?" Seonghwa turned away from the dishes he had been washing to find Hongjoong standing with his phone in his hand, a sour expression gracing his face. Hongjoong brought his hands up to rub at his temples, clearly exasperated.

"Wooyoung, Yeosang, San and I have a date with the choreographer in an hour." Seonghwa's jaw dropped. It was meant to be their day off!

"What? Can't you.."

"No I can't do anything about it." Hongjoong sighed, looking like he was on the verge of tears. "Are you going to be okay looking after the littles?"

"Are you going to be okay? You look like you're about to cry." Hongjoong nodded. Seonghwa opened his arms, taking the leader into his arms.

"They'll be alright with Mama, yeah?" Seonghwa offered. Hongjoong let out a little laugh.

"Yeah, they will." Hongjoong then turned towards the lounge. "We should only be an hour or two, they just wanna run over some cover ideas."

"I'll be awaiting your return."

"I'm sure you will be." Hongjoong laughed. "Gotta go break the news now. They're all gonna be so pissed."

"Good luck." Seonghwa encouraged as Hongjoong left for the lounge.

It took fifteen minutes and a lot of annoyed faux swear words from the second maknae, but the four left the dorm and headed to the studio, leaving Seonghwa with the three littles.

The littles were still watching TV, the other caregivers had left Yunnie cuddled between the other two, as Seonghwa finished cleaning the breakfast dishes. Eight boys make a lot of dishes.

As he placed the final piece of paper towel in the bin, Seonghwa heard the first of what he was sure was going to be a stream of annoyed shouts from the lounge. Walking to the lounge, Seonghwa heard a shout of "Mama". Turning the corner, Seonghwa was met with a disastrous sight.

The three boys were not sat peacefully on the couch like they had been left. No, of course not.

In the ten minutes Seonghwa had left them unsupervised they had decided that they'd tip over the toy bin, spreading the toys all over the floor, pull the cushions off the couches and attempt to make a cushion fort. Which had turned out horribly, if the now crying Yunnie was anything to go off.

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