två • cold blood

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Instagram is a deadly place.

It's a minefield swinging like a pendulum, dispersing global input on every issue on the planet. Today, Wilhelm is the subject of discussion. He lies on his side as he scrolls through post after post, his headphones around his neck. His eyes, made bright by the screen, cling to every word.

cherrbloossoom tbh i don't think there was even a fight they're just overprotective lmao staged
———— 5 replies

ravi.iyer ouch. that headbutt had to hurt
              imanassholeirl literally hahaha

zhangisamoron yes. i'm sure the prince is suffering in a bigass castle with a room big enough for 20 people but go off
              pedro.noviak and then they say we whine too much

itskaylaaaa_98 ok but give me his hair it's so silky wtf
————98 replies

Wilhelm frowns, consciously tucking his fringe behind his ear. Then his eyes snag on another comment.

jeremylukasiakkkk poor guy. he's so anxious just leave him alone. live your life prins wilhelm 👑  i'm sorry you're going through this
————1,204 more replies
              marinadelagarza ☑️ VERDADDD
              ketchupandsalsa honestly facts
              bisex_u_a_l he clearly wasn't part of the decision. it's like he doesn't even control his own life

Wilhelm's thumb stills.

i'm sorry you're going through this

so anxious

wasn't part of the decision

leave him alone

he doesn't even control his own life

Wilhelm's eyes are not reading anymore.

leave him alone

He tucks his knees into his chin, wrapping his arms around his torso. There's something empty, hollow inside him, growing out of his spine. His pulse is thundering in his ears.

leave him alone

"Your Highness?"

"Leave me alone," he whispers shakily, but it is barely audible, as though he is hearing his own voice echoing back to him from the depths of a lonely cavern. He tightens his arms around himself till he cannot feel his fingertips anymore.

"Prince Wil-"

"I said leave me alone!" he screams, raw and guttural, springing into an upright position, sending his phone tumbling to the floor. Frederik, an attendant to his mother, looks only mildly fazed, although Wilhelm detects a hint of alarm in his eyes.

"Yes, sir, of course," Frederik says, bowing as he hurriedly leaves the room. Wilhelm feels his chest heaving, his face heating up. He turns to his left and catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror; disheveled, feral, unhinged. His normally mild brown eyes are glassy and blazing, his hair unkempt. No wonder Frederik left as quickly as he did; Wilhelm can't even blame him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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