Lucky Fox.

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A/N: Hey lovies! Thank you SO MUCH for all of the love on Daydreams so far. If you've found as much comfort in these little stories as I have, that makes me so so happy. Thank you for reading! Swipe header for song.

This is part two of Disco Snow, the 70s one shot. I love Harry and his little fox too much for it to end at one part.

C.W: coarse language, drug use (weed), alcohol.
Sexual content: spit kink, breeding kink, sub/dom play (subrry) spanking, squirting, anal play, bondage, choking.

Word count: 10.2k
I'm a little unhinged with this one. Let's boogie!


"I'm fumin', little fox."

The cord of your telephone is tangled in a perfect spiral around your index finger, your back pressed against the wall beside where the cradle hangs. You try to stifle the giggle that ensues his competitive aggression on the other end of the phone.

"It's just a game, Harry."

"Just a game? Right and Waffelos is just cereal, not a heavenly maple orgasm in the mouth."

You laugh harder at his dramatic claim. It's something you love about him. He puts his full heart into everything. Whether it's a particularly tight parallel parking spot, a really bad joke, or a heavy debate on which cereal is the best. And mostly? You.

Well. You, and currently, Space Invaders.

"I'm not kidding around. I dialed you for reinforcements. Get your perky little ass down here."

And with that, he hangs up. This is a reoccurring thing for the two of you. Harry tries to beat his highest score down at the arcade but swears he needs his little fox at his side for good luck. You're more than happy to oblige, often massaging his tense shoulders, offering sips of a milkshake through a straw before giving him a peck on his raspberry lips.

Ever since that night at the Hall of Mirrors, you and Harry have been inseparable. More discos, even more nights in his sheets. Months and months of dance battles in your kitchen in the early hours of the morning, months of reading poetry laid out in a park, his head tucked into your lap as you recite lines.

He is everything you adore in a person; warm, charismatic, shameless. He's taught you a lot about being true to yourself. You often find yourself trying to be a people pleaser. To fit into a label of what makes you a person.

But Harry is a different class of human. Unhinged and unapologetic. Soulful and selfless. Of course, the man who wore bubblegum flares when you first met him would be the one you'd give your heart to. Really, his existence is one of a dream-like mirage. But he's so real, and all yours.

Due to Harry's more than electric dressing sense, he's usually hauling you down to the mall in his yellow Dodge Charger. Grabbing items from racks and making you try them all on. Telling you twirl and show it off. He swears you suit everything and is quick to buy whatever you like. His favourite thing to spoil you with is lingerie, buying you dreamy underwear that he can rip apart with his teeth before tasting you.

One of your most recent purchases, courtesy of Harry's taste, is a pair of gold sequin pants. You shimmy them up your legs, throwing on your white blouse and your white platform shoes. You leave your hair natural, not tying it up like you usually do because you know how much Harry enjoys playing with the loose strands.

Seated at your vanity, you apply a frosty green eyeshadow to your eyelid and use your cake liner to define your eyes with black along your lash line. With some coats of mascara and a wash of lip gloss, you grab your jacket and purse and head down to the arcade.

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