Thrill Of The Chase.

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A/N: Check the header for the cover and song. I thought it was fitting.

Hi babies!

In honour of spooky season, I'm doing a lil Harryween Daydream for you!

Thrillrry? Chaserry? Is a very different Harry to anything I've written. As you can see by the warnings below—so make sure you read those. I hope you enjoy him.

I'm getting more and more unhinged with every Daydream.

stalking, preying, blood, knives.
Sexual content: rough, bondage with chains, sub/dom, collar play, mask kink, blood play (no drawing of blood), knife play, spitting, choking, cock warming, slapping, degradation, squirting.

I'm gonna go touch some grass. I'll need a whole field after this one.

Word count: 10k

Are you scared, little devils?



Crimson strobes that matched the thrum of his pounding heart. The eerie music drowned out the sound of his industrial chains dragging on the ground.

There was something beautiful about someone unsuspecting. Someone so blissfully unaware that they were in danger. Consumed by what was to come ahead of them as they pressed forward, not sensing the imminent peril about to ensue.

There was something about her. His eyes kept flickering to the skin of her thighs, exposed by the short hem of her skirt. He couldn't remember what he was doing before he saw her. His routine had been sidestepped by her. He was drawn to her, so he let his feet lag a meter or so behind her small frame, timid in the space as she walked forward.

He wasn't sure what he'd do if she looked behind her, because if she did—once she did—it was game on for him, game over for her.

She was clueless, too focused on the path directly ahead of her to even think about her surroundings. Not once did she look over her shoulder.

That was her second mistake.

The first? She'd been separated from her group of friends, left to fend for herself and navigate on her own. She didn't seem overly fazed or panicked. If he didn't know any better, he'd even say she favoured being alone. She was inquisitive, perceptive. And that was his favourite type of person. The loners with only their thoughts to keep them company, complex in their notions with how closed off they were.

But she was almost more curious without the burden of the company she had just a few minutes before when she was with her friends. That was when he saw her. Saw her shout and laugh and have fun. He was intrigued by her. He could sense something deeper behind those wild eyes and before he knew it, he was following her.

Even through the eyes of his mask, he was enticed by her beauty. Delicious and endearing, her torso encased in a tight black corset that laced up the front and made her tits look unreal and plump. She looked soft and he wanted to be rough with her. See what she'd allow him to do, see how much she could take. Her fucking thighs. They were soft and demanded to be pressed against either side of his head while he had his mouth on her.

With his movements slow and subtle, he kept following her. The two chains hung around his neck were cold and heavy against his skin, dragging on the ground as he hunted her.

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