Roll Call.

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(Check out the Daydream cover^)

Attention, class!

A Professorry Daydream has been on my mind for a very, very long time. I've been writing this bad boy for a hot minute. I kept abandoning it and then forgetting about it. Oops

It's a slow build, hence the length, but it's all worth it. I promise. He's cold and mean but that just means he's good in the sack. He's a grumpy man but has a soft spot for one of his students.

Which I, is a given, do not condone or encourage this kind of relationship. But we're living in Daydreams and this is all for fun. Characters are of age and every act is consensual.

Coarse language

Degradation, spitting, light bondage, spanking, slapping, age gap (10 years)

Word Count: 21.5k

Now, sit straight for Professor Styles.


Oxford University, 1992.

"Are you actually going to put the effort into my class or do I have to get you a tutor?"

It wasn't what she was hoping for after handing in an assignment. She fought back the hot tears that sprung into her eyes and hoped he didn't see how wet they were. She was exhausted, overworked to the bone trying to balance her studies and a part-time job.

He'd handed back the papers at the end of his class, and not long after escaped to his office down the hall. She'd chased after him, fumbling to keep up with him while her mind was jumbled over the failed grade. She'd done plenty of assignments with him and he'd passed every single one.

"I... I don't understand. I studied the material—"

"Well, clearly you didn't study it enough. The years are all mixed up. If you want to be the historian that you say you do, that usually comes with not mixing up dates. I mean," he held the paper in front of him, reciting the words she'd written. "Julius Caesar was assassinated in March, 43 BC. Incorrect. He was assassinated in March, 44 BC. You should know this, it's basic stuff."

"I'm sorry, I swear it was a simple mistake—"

"Simple mistakes will cost you your grade. In fact, it has."

Her heart dropped. "Is there anything I can do? I can fact-check and write it all over again. Please. I want to pass this paper. I—I need to pass."

He was always this mean. This... hurtful. He had no leniency towards so much as a falsely placed comma, and she could see her incorrect information pained him deeply. He was right. It was basic stuff, and internally she knew it. However, she'd been slammed with studying and had simply made a mistake.

But he had no patience, no care if anyone in his class was overwhelmed with what he pushed onto them. He'd been given the same load when he himself was studying. In his view, being pushed to the brink was what made him great at what he did. So, he showed his students the same respect as his professors once had.

"What makes you think I have the time to give you special treatment, Violet? I have enough papers to grade as is, adding yours to the pile all because you made a mistake will only set me back."

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