Chapter 14- A Whole Different League of Demigod

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This dark-haired girl brought something back for me. She was more familiar than the others, like I truly knew her. She brandished her sword and pointed it at my chest. The boys moved away from both of us, going towards the ongoing fight with Lelantos. This girl was good, able to even get past Lelantos' guard. She had even been able to cause the abnormally tall man to bleed.

I looked her up-and-down. "I know you from somewhere." She looked at me bewildered.

"You really don't remember," she replied. "I thought that you would remember me at least."

"Where do I know you from?" I continued. "You aren't like the rest of them. I remember you."

"We knew each other a long time ago," she sighed. "I'll make sure to jog your memory!" She rushed towards me, her shield hefted in front of her. I fired a plethora of shots at the girl, all of them finding their way into her shield. She was an amazing fighter, though I didn't know how I had a gauge for the accolade. Her sword swung towards me, easily coming at me with the intent to do some damage. I blocked with my knife, but the movement turned me perpendicular to her. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the girl's shield as it slammed into the back of my head, sending me flying over her sword. I slammed into the ground, the edge of my quiver digging into my spine. I crossed my bow and knife, blocking the incoming swordpoint. She was only applying enough pressure for me to stay pinned, not anything that could force my hand, but I still wasn't out of this fight yet. I whipped my legs towards my head, slamming my feet into the girl's head. The momentum knocked her forehead straight into the butt of her sword. Her pin loosened and I rolled sideways, freeing myself. She stumbled away from me, obviously very disoriented from the sudden string of events.

I stood up, slinging my bow across my back and pulling the second knife. I wasn't going to get the most use out of my bow, but my knives weren't the best against this girl's heavy shield. But out of the two, they were the more favorable weapon. The girl shook her head and focused on me, her shield raised in front of her. We rushed towards each other, our blades poised to clash. I slashed with the blade in my left hand, drawing sparks from her shield. I continued the knife's upward path, meeting the girl's sword. She slammed her shield into my stomach, easily knocking the wind out of me. I kept my blade locked with hers, not letting her get the upper hand again. I snaked my arm through her guard and locked my knife around her bicep. Using my positioning, I leveraged her body over mine, flipping her onto the back. I moved my blade, placing it on her neck, locking her down. It seemed like I wasn't the only one who could get out of a pin as she slammed her shield into my head. I flew a few feet away, our roles now reversed from the last pin. I palmed my temple, pulling away with a hand lightly coated in blood. I flicked my wrist, sending the blood flying to the ground.

I knew just based on how my arm was feeling that I wasn't going to be able to keep up the fight for much longer, but I couldn't leave Lelantos alone with all of them. This girl had already been able to injure him on her own, I didn't want to think about what she could do with help. I was able to leave her with a cut along her bicep, where I had locked my knife earlier, but other than that small mark, I had done nothing. I looked over at Lelantos, who was managing against the five campers. He was obviously on the defensive, but he wasn't being forced into a retreat. The girl and I started circling each other, not allowing the other to get close. I quickly threw both of my knives at the girl and unslung my bow. The knives planted themselves into her shield as I fired three more arrows at my opponent. The projectiles found their home next to the knives, but the girl didn't seem to be worried about it. She rushed towards me, knowing that, now without my knives, I was going to have a much harder time in close combat. I let the girl get close, knowing that she was walking right into my plan. I readied to leap at her shield, waiting for her to get a little bit closer. Just as she swung at me, I leapt over the blade, landing directly on her shield. I used my knives to leverage the girl's shield and arm over her body, disarming her of her only defensive weapon. I dislodged my knives from the disk and threw it into the distance.

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