Chapter 19- We're Finally Back

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I left the throne room and met up with my friends in the courtyard. They rushed to meet me. My demeanor had changed since they had last seen me.

"What happened?" Percy asked. I shook my head. I was advised not to talk about it, but how could I just dismiss my friends' curiosity. Percy was going to say more, but Annabeth motioned for him to let it go.

I ran over the prophecy in my head. It put me in charge of the fate of Olympus and I didn't want that kind of pressure on my back. I already couldn't make a decision to save my life, how was I supposed to make a decision that could destroy a whole civilization?

"Let's get to camp," I said, heaving a sigh of relief. "It's been a long journey."

"I don't think taxis will go that far," Kiera worried. Annabeth tilted her head like she had an idea, but Percy shook his head and didn't let her speak.

"Let me see if I can call Blackjack to pick us up." Percy moved away from the group.

"How are you three?" Annabeth asked. "I know that your first meeting with the gods can be kind of stressful." I let out another sigh of relief.

"It felt like if I made one wrong move they were going to vaporize me," I replied.

"They probably could've," Annabeth joked. "But I doubt that they would because they seem to see you as a major player in the coming years." Kiera and Daniel had similar sentiments and both were wary of being vocal in the meeting. Percy rejoined the group.

"Blackjack said that he was coming," Percy revealed. "I told him to bring some more pegasi for the rest of you."

"What's next after this?" I asked.

"We train just like mom said," Annabeth replied. "We may have won this fight but there are many more to come and we can risk a loss there." I nodded, I knew that I had much more training to do. The next time that I faced Lelantos I couldn't risk losing, not like our first fight. I needed to get better that way when I faced him in our final fight, it would be a blowout. I heard the beat of wings and five pegasi landed in the courtyard. Most of them were the same, except for two. One was solid black, the other was a buckskin stallion with wings to match it's body. Its feathers black tips transitioning to gold like the rest of its body. I looked more closely at the pegasus, the creature feeling almost familiar to me.

"Ah, I see he found you." I turned around to find my parents, Athena and Poseidon, walking towards me. They had changed out of their robes and were now comfortable. Athena was in a white silk blouse tucked into blue jeans. Her brown hair was tied up in a bun and gold earrings hung from her ears. My father was in Birkenstocks with khaki shorts and a slightly opened Hawaiian button down.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Cimarron," my mother responded. "He was our first gift to you. We raised him while you lived a mortal life, but now he can be yours again."

Hello sir! I heard in my head. I looked at Cimarron in shock.

"It just talked to me." My eyes darted between my parents and the pegasus.

"You're a child of Poseidon," Percy replied, trying to hold in laughter. "You can talk to all creatures that dad created."

"Like horses," Poseidon added. "All other of their subsets." Cimarron shook his head, his black mane flopping around.

"Hi, Cimarron." I outstretched my hand. "Nice to meet you." The pegasus thrust his snout into my outstretched palm.

It is nice to see you in-person again! I have missed you! He rubbed his snout into my hand and moved into me like he was giving me a hug. I hugged the pegasus back, still trying to process that I was talking to a horse.

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