9: Child of the Wind 09

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Zong Yan didn't see He Yuan again until three days later.

No one scheduled Zong Yan's time. He was happy on his own. He worked on his summer homework in the apartment from morning until night and went downstairs to eat when it was time. But since he was concentrating so much on homework problems, he frequently missed meals. By the time he looked up, it was deep into the night. Zong Yan could only scratch his head, take out a few crumpled bank notes from his bag and go downstairs to find food.

By eleven PM, the restaurants in the shopping mall downstairs were basically closed. Only the bars were still open this late. The only thing Zong Yan could do was find a convenience store in the dark and buy a big bag of instant noodles and snacks. That way he was prepared for a long-term war of attrition against his summer homework.

This proved to be the right decision.

Zong Yan missed the noon meal again the next day. He was drawing a graph with a ruler, trying to evaluate the range of values for function F(x) at value a.

While he was mulling about the interval of decrease, the phone by bed the suddenly rang.

This phone was provided by the Dragon Group. Naturally, Zong Yan himself didn't have any spare money to buy a cell phone. When he needed to look up information or do online assignments, he usually went to the second-hand bookstore to borrow Grandpa Zeng's old computer.

Zong Yan hadn't fiddled much with his new phone. He'd only connected to the WiFi and downloaded some software updates. There was just one contact in the address book, He Yuan. But now the phone was suddenly ringing. Zong Yan reached for the phone and tucked it into his shoulder while continuing to work on the graph.

"Oh, okay. Well, all right. That's fine. Thank you."

Zong Yan was focused on the math exercise, so he answered somewhat perfunctorily. It was only after he hung up, threw the phone back on the bed, and finished the last question on the current worksheet that he remembered it as an afterthought.

Ah, it seemed that the dining hall downstairs had just called.

So the question was, how did the downstairs dining hall get his phone number?

Ding dong—

While he was contemplating this, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Zong Yan jumped up from the low table on the carpet and stepped into his slippers to answer the door.

A waiter in a tuxedo was already standing at the door, pushing a gleaming silver dining cart in front of him. When Zong Yan opened the door, the waiter bowed slightly. "Mr. Zong, your lunch is here."

"The appetizer is Brittany blue lobster just airlifted from France and Burgundy red wine poached eggs. The main course is a medium-rare Australian M4 sirloin with sea bass fillet. The dessert is chocolate ganache topped with sliced mango. The table wine today is white wine from Astrolabe Wines in New Zealand."

Zong Yan felt dizzy when he heard this string of fancy dish names.

It was like the scene of a butler in an English manor saying, Young master, it's time for your dinner, but the young master was confused and forced to say, You're right, I was just about to put the water on and make some instant noodles.

"... I don't remember ordering a meal."

"This lunch was delivered to your room by name, courtesy of Captain Si." The smile on the waiter's face remained unchanged. "Pardon me for saying so, but you're still a minor. Boys at your age need to supplement their nutrition the most. Please make sure to eat on time, or you might develop one of those little stomach problems like many members of the Dragon Team."

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