97: High School Student 05

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To be fair, although Yog-Sothoth lacked certain emotions, he had a deep appreciation for Zong Yan.

Zong Yan had surrendered an unimaginable, unobtainable amount of power without a second thought. Not everyone had such determination.

Moreover, the power of an evil god was a world away from a human being. Like the difference between clouds and mud, it was a level that couldn't be reached no matter how one strived. A human who wanted to explore the power of the gods would only lose themselves in the cracks of reality and fall into madness.

It wasn't exactly easy to possess the power of an evil god.

Power is addictive. Power dominates everything. Turning clouds into rain with the wave of a hand, wielding absolute power over the life and death of all things.

If Zong Yan hadn't given up this power, sooner or later he would have been influenced by the evil impulses inherent to his body. Eventually he would be assimilated by the thoughts that pervade the minds of evil gods, abandoning those weak emotions that belong to human beings. His humanity would be completely extinguished, his original personality would be subsumed, and he would become in all respects a cold and ruthless evil god.

There was nothing surprising about this process. The reason evil gods were called evil was because of their deep-rooted chaotic, amoral tendencies. The spiritual pollution that came attached to their bodies was horrific in itself, and the souls of weaker intelligent creatures had no way of resisting this corrosion.

This was something Yog-Sothoth had never concealed from Zong Yan.

In a sense, the Lord of the Gate admired Zong Yan most when he was a human, struggling with the dazzling, brilliant hope that burst out from despair.

Human lives were limited to a century. They were unbelievably fragile, but it was because their time was short that made it precious.

Zong Yan had lived as an evil god for a considerable amount of time, but he gave it up without any hesitation or reluctance, and his soul didn't show any signs of being bewitched by power. It revealed a level of tenacity and mental strength that made the Lord of the Gate turn his head.

An ink-black layer came out of nowhere and suddenly blanketed this place, located outside of time and space. A cold, clammy shadow wrapped itself around Zong Yan's ankles and yanked the black-haired teen straight down into darkness.

He'd just given up the power of an evil god and returned to his original body. His reaction speed was slow. He felt incredibly weak.

Every time he underwent a soul transformation, he experienced similar after-effects. Like when he first became the half-self of the Lord of R'lyeh, or when he returned to his own body stored inside the Lord of Time and Space. At first he couldn't even open his eyes, let alone twitch his fingers.

Zong Yan hadn't expected Yog-Sothoth to catch him off guard like this. Maybe his defenses had been lowered by the Lord of Time and Space's recent friendly behavior, so much so that all Zong Yan was able to do right now was jump up and down inside his own mind in a state of total anxiety.

"Let me see what you're trying so hard to conceal."

Zong Yan forced himself to calm down. He recalled what the Lord of the Gate said just now, and his heart turned a hundred somersaults.

Was he concealing something? Zong Yan felt completely innocent. As if he'd dare hide anything from the all-knowing, all-seeing Lord. Was he tired of living?

No... wait—

There actually was something he was trying to avoid.

Zong Yan gulped nervously, and his eyes revealed the grief of a heart in utter despair. The next instant, he was wrapped up in the darkness like a package and his brain completely halted.

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