137: College Entrance Exam Student 13

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Cthulhu had no idea how many years he had existed.

Time was meaningless for an evil god. The moment he was born, he miraculously possessed all the knowledge he needed.

Other intelligent creatures would find it difficult to comprehend the life of an evil god. After all, evil gods were immortal and indestructible. They had no material needs. A fish couldn't live without water, and a human couldn't live without air, but an evil god didn't need anything.

Only if Azathoth, the Lord of the Universe, awakened and decided to destroy the universe could an evil god's existence be erased.

Cthulhu was born on the binary star Xoth. His immediate family consisted of his father god who created him by mitosis—Yog-Sothoth.

Of course, Cthulhu wasn't born alone. There was also his younger brother—Hastur.

Actually, in terms of kinship, Cthulhu was born a little later. According to human familial relationships, Cthulhu was technically the didi, and Hastur was his gege.

Regrettably, evil gods aren't especially sociable. The resources on the binary star Xoth were limited, which meant the only evil gods who lived there were the pair of brother gods. The evil gods in the neighborhood assumed the brothers were backed by the Lord of Time and Space and kept their distance.

But Yog-Sothoth wasn't exactly a devoted father god.

Just like Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth believed in hands-off parenting. Anyway, you guys have already been born, so just go ahead and play by yourselves. You're evil gods. Shouldn't you be independent?

When Azathoth produced his three kids, he didn't even give them a glance. He went straight to sleep. Yog-Sothoth perfectly inherited the parenting style of his Father God. After making two cubs, he shrugged his shoulders and left. On the whole, he was an irresponsible scum father god.

The binary star Xoth, a massive solar system, suffered from the ongoing battle between Cthulhu and Hastur every day.

It couldn't be helped. The moment an evil god was born, their desire to fight for dominance was intense. Twins happened to be rare among evil gods. One might think the relationship between parent and child would be closer, but in fact they were usually as cold and aloof as Yog.

In this case, the relationship between the twins became heated.

Moreover, Cthulhu was an evil god who represented the attribute of water, while Hastur represented the attribute of wind. Their natures were fundamentally incompatible. Whenever they were in the same galaxy, they could feel each other's repulsive aura. Therefore, the conflict between them had multiple causes, some of them innate. Every day the two fought each other on Xoth, and eventually became mortal enemies.

They were both Great Old Ones, but there wasn't much water on Xoth, which meant Cthulhu was at a disadvantage.

For an evil god, losing a fight was just a matter of dropping a few tentacles, but did that mean losing didn't matter? Of course not! It was about self-respect!!!

And because of their limited environment, the evil gods felt stifled.

So Cthulhu quietly made plans to move somewhere else and establish some kind of base. When the time was right, he could catch Hastur off guard.

Cthulhu initially enjoyed enormous success. He created the race of Deep Ones to be his subordinates. He also kept an eye out for planets in the universe with a high proportion of water, intending to develop one of them into his stronghold.

But the two evil gods were twins created by mitosis, and it was impossible for Cthulhu to conceal all this from Hastur.

In fact, in terms of strength, Cthulhu was more powerful than Hastur. Hastur's strong points lay in scheming and making plans. He was more of an intellectual. But the terrain on Xoth tended to favor him, so he had the upper hand.

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