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Jackson takes my hand leading us down the stair's to the  Lobby in the Hotel, his skin feels warm and soft and his excitement show's on is face with his full set of teeth smiling on show looking forwards. He looks back a couple of times to check up on me, a physically eyebrow nudge glance; not anything supernatural  has happened through our bond since we were up in our room. A human judgement is that we were having a fun time; nothing serious of a relationship ; a one night stand. Out clubbing but to vampire's; it's serious  and on that note; don't dare flirt with a mans woman's bond.  Although that's just rumours of Male Vampires, bad temper  in their five months of first time bonding with another.  Jackson and I dance through the crowd, he leads the way, were not holding hands anymore but our eclectic energy waves are in the air pulling me along . We start  dancing getting closer,  his chest is sweaty as his top is firmly placed on his chest; seeing his nipples through it.  Music bounces all through my body touching Jackson's wet chest and his hips. Making my knee's bend slightly lower; than go back up towards his lips, he lightly bites it and lets go. So this is how it feels too dirty dance. Another blonde girl comes between us rubbing her bottom on Jacksons covered penis area. Jackson didn't seem to mind, he grabs her hips swaying to her motion. She tilt's her head for a perfect opening. Jackson  doesn't bite down into her flesh exposing blood; instead he pulls my head. my  lips lightly  touch her warm sweaty skin before my thangs comes out  and her  blood pours into my mouth. It's warm and  flows easy. I pull away and then Jackson goes in. The blonde girl wont remember any of this and our bites will become like a  small hickey in ten minutes which will lead us to a next a lady who tasted like rose matching her bright red hair. No human's will see what is really happening on the dance. Werewolves see a glimmer shield and scents a sliver burning smell but nothing else.   Once it was all over by the third person which was a guy with colourful dreads. Jackson and I dance again without the shields up and a third person in the middle of us. It feels really good letting go of my body to the music tune with the crowd, Jackson Laughs and somehow that makes me want to as well.   He poke his tongue out and hangs his arms low; crossing his eyes cross eyed, I make a face back at him that makes my eyebrows in view slightly at the top of my forehead, my left cheek lift and my lips pout like a fish. The feelings of goofy dancing feels good but it gives me a flash back of Anthony for a second. I guess that second was one second to long, Jackson stops dancing and takes my hand in his to that bar. He leans in to the boy  bar bartender and he puts four liquor shots. Alcohol after a feeding is dangerous; Mother voice plays in my mind. "She isn't all that wrong but we wont die from it" His deep voice is clear near my right ear but then he grabs the glass shot and  holds the shot glass and his in hand.  Fuck; Not that I Total forgot but Jackson reading through out bond is always on? "Could you stop reading me" I couldn't help  it, yes I'm grinning like a idiot with a crush. "Aren't you doing the same?" He takes the shot into his mouth without no after effect, no squinting or gasping like he doesn't feel the burn going down too his tummy like a  bomb has exploded. "Its called privacy, I always give you about a ten minute mark before you know" I take in my first  shot glass expressing  the after effect shock. I don't see his giggle but I feel it through our bond. "That's kind of you; but I want my woman to know everything about me; as I'm sure she does of me". His eyes shines at me as he picks up the next shot waiting for me to agree on his words. "I choose to respect my partner and I shall always ask of  them; of the same of this"   I pause taking the shot glass off the bar towards his shot glass. "It's always  worth it "  I give him a wink because it just felt right to do so.  I'm not letting this sexy, handsome get into my mind on every thought I have. Jackson sends a tickle through our  bond "Yes Mam" His voice sounds like his not taking me serious but then he give me a kiss on the forehead.  "Let's get some air, over there" My voice cracks a bit making me cough slightly towards the end of it.  Jackson opens the door sliding his hand under me on  the side onto the balcony. 

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