Part 4

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The writting examination was over, and everyone was now out of the examination room, heading to the locers in order to prepare for the practical test with the Villain-Bots.

Present Mic had already explained to us what we had to do in order to pass. He told us about the points we would get after taking down each Robot. There were 4 different kinds of Villain-bots.

Each defeated Villain Bot is worth a certain amount of points, which are assigned to the Bots according to their difficulty level:

1 Point - Easy Villains

2 Points - Medium Villains

3 Points - Hard Villains

0 Points - Arena Traps

"Arena Traps are massive Villain Bots scattered through the city replicas in order to trap and weed out people from getting high scores. They're not meant to be fought, which is why they're worth no points." That's what Present-Mic said.

And also there was one thing that none of the other students knew yet. Other than scoring villain points, the judges who watch the exam back in the UA grounds, also give rescue points for heroic acts. So that automatically gave me a bonus chance to claim more points.

Now the only thing I needed to do was to focus on my quirk so I can activate it correctly. I didn't have the chance to practice my quirk before the exam...which now that I think about it,  was a huge mistake. Delta said that I should activate my quirk right before the gades open. I totally forgot about it and now I'm freaking out.

"Nervous huh?"

I turn my head slightly to the right to see a boy with red spiky hair and red eyes. Who else would it be? One of the sweetest boys in the history of animation. Kirishima Eijiro.

Watching them from the screen, and see them from up close are so different.  I never thought I would see their faces in 3D. And Kirishima. Well, wow. No offense to the cis men from my world, but beleive me when im telling you my jaw dropped. But not litterly,  because then he would think I'm a creep. I stare at him for a good minute. Then I realize that I'm acting weird, and search in every corner of my brain, in case I find something to reply with.

"Oh yeah- I've been waiting for  this moment for a long time, and now I'm so excited that I think I'm gonna pass out. Hehe"

"ME TOO!! Im Eijiro Kirishima by the way. What's your name?"

Delta in case you're seeing this right now, know that adore you

"I'm Y/n L/n."

"Well that's an interesting name. You're not from here, are ya"

Oh you have absolutely no idea

"Yeah, I moved here some days ago"
"Wow. Well in case we both pass, we should totally hang out. And maybe you could tell me about the place you come from-"

Three bells ring making us  look up. That meant that it was time for us to head to gate. Kirishima turns back down to see me and smiles

"Well it was nice meeting you y/n. Good luck!"

He waves goodbye, and walks towards the crowd of students that was getting bigger and bigger in front of the gate

"Best of luck to you too!!"

I don't think he heard me. He was already lost gone inside the crowd.

Concentrate. Stop thinking about the sweetheart who said hello to you and just concentrate

Authors POV:

With the signal, everyone ran into the examination area. Huge gray buildings were everywhere. It almost looked like you were in an actual battle feild in the city. You had seen them again through your screen but you never expected to see them up close. They reminded you of these beautiful abandoned ghost towns you saw on your mobile phone.

Your first Robot, straight to the right; No more students are heading there, by the time you go they will have already destroyed it. Remember your time is limited. We move on to the next Robot. Two points, moderately bad. It is a bit far though. No it's good, you will have more time to think of a name

"Whom to choose, think fast."
Robots, machines, cables, electricity ... DENKI!

"Kaminari Denki"

You run faster, you feel an itch in your hair but you knew it was due to the color change. Your hair was blonde now, with a black lightning line on the side. But you dont have time to think about it because you have to jump on the Robot. At three. One...two...THREE!

"2000 volts"

Glow comes out of your hands, electricity pierces you leaving a slight dizziness and numbness to your palms, but you manage to jump back to the ground before the Robot overloads and catches fire.

"I did it"

No time for celebrations. You currently have 2 points. You have to collect more. Time flies faster than you think.

About 6 minutes pass and you had destroyed 4 robots. Two medium Villains, one easy and one difficult, who gave you a total of 6 points. You had not yet changed quirk. You still had Denkis power. It was convenient. It was safe in a way.


Three large robots straight ahead not far from where you were. You do not waste time thinking about it and you run faster, towards the robots, before someone else destroys them first. But suddenly you get dizzy and you feel your legs getting weaker each step you took. You feel your head getting lighter. Empty in certain moments. Like it was ready to blackout.  Before you realize it your hands were moving on their own, up and down with rhythm.

you said to yourself, knowing that you have to change quirk immediately.

You have three robots, so you need a quirk that will destroy them fast and without making them explode. There are people our age around and,
if we cause damage, then the judges would give you zero point for heroic actions. Think fast, think fast, think fast-

"Ochako Uraraka"
-it's safe and it won't cause any damage
-we dont have enough time for self care right now, so just get over it.

"How do you know my name?"

says a familiar voice


Hello everyone,
I'm sorry for not posting the past few months. I have to be honest and I'll day that my mind is full of stories which I want to write, and I am writing some of them at the moment. So u can guess how much I've been trying to keep up with this story, especially this chapter.
ALSO HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE, let's hope 2022 is gonna be the last shitty year we have. That's all I wanted to say<3<3


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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