Team seven and Team whatever number Hinata's team is arrived in the Hokage's office at the same time to report the mission.
"Both missions didn't last long. Kurenai, was your mission successful?" Tsunade asked.
"We located Karin Uzumaki in the abandoned hideout Orochimaru used not far from the village." Sasuke suddenly shuddered with a disgusted look on his face. "She was poisoned by a deadly mushroom."
"Is she dead?" Tsunade asked.
"She is alive. How, you ask? It just so happens that I've been researching toxins and have created antidotes for several poisons. I have yet to perfect it, so while she is alive she's in a coma." Shino explained.
"So Orochimaru was behind her kidnapping." Tsunade concluded.
"I don't think so Lady Tsunade. While it was Orochimaru's hideout, his right hand man Kabuto seems to be behind the attack, but I believe he's acting alone." Hinata said.
"Do have some proof of it?" Tsunade asked.
"Not exactly. It's just what I've gathered. Before Karin passed out, she said that Kabuto succeeded. She never said what he was trying to do. The only thing she said after that was "White Zetsu", but I don't know what that means. It's possible she was just delirious." Hinata explained.
"We'll just have to wait for Karin to wake up." Tsunade sighed before moving on. "Team Seven, what's your report."
"Absolute shit." Naruto looked so annoyed he was angry.
"I think the Hokage needs a little more of an explanation." Sasuke stated which Naruto rolled his eyes at.
"Well, for starters the clients house was in the middle of nowhere. We knocked on the door and received no answer even after we stated who we were and why we were there. The door was unlocked so we opened the door, and the moment we stepped inside-" Kakashi was interrupted by Tsunade.
"You entered the clients house without permission?" Tsunade asked.
"Y-yes I was afraid he was in trouble." Kakashi gulped.
"I see." Tsunade started writing on a paper. Shizune glanced at the paper to see Tsunade sketching Team Seven. She then looked at Kakashi, who was now sweating bullets, with an "I pity you" look.
"A-anyway, when we entered the clients house-" Tsunade made a disapproving clicking noise with her tongue. Kakashi elbowed Sasuke motioning for him to finish the story. Sasuke sent him a murderous glance.
"We got attacked. It was an ambush set up by Kabuto. It wasn't a real fight. It seemed like he was just observing us. No one got injured." Sasuke finished.
"You are dismissed." Tsunade bit her fingernail. She had no idea what she was going to do.
"Shino, what did you put in the antidote you gave to Karin?" Sakura asked.
"Why are you asking?"
"I was just curious. I've been wanting to learn how to make antidotes for a while now."
"Bla bla bla the list of the things Shino put in there bla bla bla."
"Thank you." Sakura walked off.
"So can you make the antidote?" Naruto asked Sakura.
"No. Some of the things Shino put in there doesn't mix well with the antidote. If I gave it to her, it would only kill her. I'm really sorry, Naruto." Sakura sighed.
"Naruto, can I ask you something?"
"Why are you so protective of Karin. I don't remember you two having a close relationship ever."
"Well, I'm the one who told her to move to Konaha. I promised her she'd be safe. I promised her that I would protect her." Naruto had a guilt ridden expression on his face.
"You can't blame yourself for this."
"How can I not? I promised I would keep her safe. I wasn't able to keep my word."
"She's still alive, Naruto. And you are keeping her safe. We're going to stop Kabuto and that's keeping everyone safe including Karin."
"I guess you're right."
"Of course I'm right. Now go home and rest. You look like you need it."
Indeed he did. Naruto had been staying up late worrying over Karin. The guilt of knowing he wasn't around to protect her was keeping him up late at night.
Naruto decided to follow Sakura's advice. He went home to rest, except when he opened the door he saw Anko sobbing in to Iruka's chest.
"What's wrong?" Naruto asked.
"You're back from your mission? You weren't gone long." Anko sniffed.
"It was a fake mission, but never mind that. Why are you crying?" Naruto asked.
"She's just feeling a lot of emotions at once." Iruka said.
"Ok, but why?" Naruto was not getting a clear answer.
"Umm... let's see... how do you feel about being a big brother?" Anko asked.
"A big... does that mean- are you-"
"We're having a baby."
That's the end. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a wonderful day!

Time To Fuck Up The Timeline
FanfictionNaruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Gaara were 22 when they won the war. They were the only survivors out of the entire world. Guess it wasn't much of a victory after all. So, what do you do when you just won a war that killed everyone? You go b...