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I groaned as my alarm went off, I didn't want to go to school, I never did but I was super tired. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone, I rolled my eyes almost instantly, another post from Gossip Girl.

Ahh New York, is there anything more exciting than a walk in the Fall rain? only what happens after behind closed doors, or open windows. Hey JC, looks like DNA isn't all you and your sister share. 

I stared at the picture of Zoya and Obie taking their clothes off in front of a window, Obie couldn't have cheated on JC, could he? I went to my messages when I saw that I had been added to a chat with Zoya, I quickly left it and then went to get ready for the day. I threw on a black turtle neck and a cream-colored oversized sweater with a pair of my white sneakers. 

"Cat, you're going to be late" my dad yelled, I finished applying lip gloss and I made my way down the stairs.


"If you want to get back at Zobie, I volunteer as tribute" a guy yelled to JC as I walked her

"Oh my god, they're already a hashtag" Luna gasped "you need to do something"

"This shit ain't it" Monet snapped 

"What are you gonna do?" I asked 

"You'll see"


You might have noticed it's been all quiet on the Upper Eastern front for the past 24 hours. Think the storm has passed? Not a chance. Sources tell us to keep your eyes peeled at the Armory, who doesn't love a fashion showdown?

"Cat, what's up? Max asked as I stared at the new post annoyed 

"Nothing, Gossip Girls just trying to hint new drama on the whole Obie and Zoya thing" I shook my head and placed my phone down 

"I tried to warn her" Audrey stopped applying her light pink lipstick "I mean, our group of friends has known each other since we were babies, we have trust, and history"

"So no new friends ever?" Aki asked 

"I'm not saying pull the drawbridge" Audrey sighed "I just think it's so terribly odd that she lied about it, don't you agree Cat?"

"For sure" I slid my heels on "like you said, we have trust, JC should have told us" 

"Well, it's Julien's life" Aki defended "whatever reasons she had made sense to her" 

"I didn't book a session, Dr. Menzies, please" Audrey put her hand on Aki's shoulder "I just need to share my outrage in one moment" 

"This whole thing is ridiculous," Max said from halfway inside his closet "however it came to be, secret sister fighting over Prince George is as declasse as an Andy Cohen show, it's time to ice out that social climber, are you guys still in the text chain" 

Audrey and Aki gave each other guilty looks "yeah" they handed Max their phones 

I laughed "no, I left it first thing this morning" 

"Wheres your dad's concealer?" Audrey asked Max

"Third dresser top shelf" 

"Come on Cat, I'll need you to check me" we walked out of the room. Audrey did the concealer quickly and I told her it looked good. I felt weird being in Max's dad's room, it felt like an invasion of privacy. We walked back out and back to the closet where Max and Aki were changing. I stared at Max's abs, jeez, what was I doing, Max is my best friend. Was I starting to have feelings for him? no way. not a chance. 


"Have you been reading the comments on this post?" Monet asked JC when we got backstage of the fashion show "people are expecting you to go full Cersei tonight but your plan is Saoirse, what part of 'destroy' do you not understand" 

"I agree" Luna shook her head 

"Leaving someone off of a guest list is for bat-mitzvahs, for 13-year-olds," I told JC 

"She's my sister"

"You think just because you're related to her she doesn't have it out for you?" Luna snapped "Ever heard of Shakespeare? Succession? The bible? fam V. fam is the number one story since the dawn of dawn. She worked you, she just wanted in

"It's not like that-"

"You're losing followers JC," I told her "no one wants to see you play nice, they think she stole your man and they're waiting for a power move, Zoya's getting your followers" Luna held up her phone to show all the new follows on Zoya's insta. JC frowned and nodded, it was approved for a total takedown 

"Finally" Luna sighed I walked away with the two girls 

"What's the plan?" Luna asked 

"Well, the world thinks that Z is out to snatch whatever JC has so we'll follow that thread, we'll make it seem like she planned some big secret sabotage to ruin Jules's big moment on stage, and then when that plan goes off we'll be there to point out who did it.

"She'll be humiliated in front of the only people that matter" I smirked "she'll never want to show her face outside of school again" 

"I love us" Luna laughed. I walked out to get my seat for the show with Monet who had her phone out, she crashed into Zoya and she dropped her phone 

"Don't you know you can't use your phone in here?" Monet said angrily "if someone sees you you'll get thrown out" she handed Zoya her own phone and took Zoya's which was still unlocked 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," Zoya said softly 

"Well now you do" she let Zoya walk away before handing her phone to me which I handed to Luna, she grabbed Max as he walked by 

"Wait, I need you" she looked at him "Well, part of you" I knew exactly what she was going to do. Max followed her to the bathroom. I went and sat down next to Audrey and Aki to see the show happen. Max soon joined us and sat next to me, I leaned my head against his shoulder just wanting to feel close to him. 

"There she is," Max said to me, Julien came out of the shadows and walked down the stage in a beautiful black and white dress. My phone chimed along with everyone else's, I didn't bother opening the picture Zoya sent, I knew what it was. suddenly Zoya was escorted away by security guards. JC set the stage on fire just as Zoya walked past her 

Spotted: some Upper East Side style sibling rivalry, it may look like Z was trying to steal the light but she was unaware of Julien and her callow ways. It's a long drop from A-list to Z but at least everything is back where it's meant to be. Still, I'd watch out JC, you bought what you needed but now, you'll pay the price. 

Xoxo Gossip girl

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