Chapter one

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Mega POV

Is all I could understand from her cry-shouting.
I had no idea what they were talking- no, screaming about, but I figured it would be better if I just went for a walk and let them do their thing.
But as I proceeded to leave, I got forcibly stopped.
"Where do you think you're going." He asked me in the coldest way possible.
"For a walk father." I tried to keep calm as he visibly contemplated something.
"Ok.. but also take your sister and get out of my house." He continued shouting at my mother.
At least Ashley realised that she should follow me once again.
We both quietly walked outside, as I reassured myself I had all my stuff.
"This is gonna be a long walk Ash, make sure to tell me if you want a br-"
I wasn't even able to finish my sentence as a random stranger bumped onto me, throwing all of their stuff down.
"Shit shit shit shit.." They sounded like they were about to cry, or that they've been crying for a while.
I proceeded to help them pick up their stuff as not to look rude.
"H-hey.. are you ok?" I looked into their beautiful blue shining eyes, as to not make them even more worried.
"Y-yea.." They obviously lied.
"Uh.. well.. try to be a bit more careful I guess.." I reminded them, visibly being sorry.
"O-ok.." They seemed to stutter a lot.
I proceeded to continue walking like nothing happened.
"Do you think that person was actually ok?" Ash suddenly asked me.
"N-no.." I truthfully responded to her.
"They looked like they were trying to run away from someone."
Well at least she was good at reading facial expressions.
"Just.. continue walking.. please." I stopped her from starting one of her 'out-loud thought trains' once again.
She looked off to the side, still visibly thinking about it.
We walked for another roughly two hours and went back home to my father surprisingly hugging my mother.
Rare sight, but a welcome one for sure.
I walked to my room, as Ash continued to follow me.
"Don't you wanna go play with your toys? Big brother has work to do." I yawned and continued to look as dead inside as usual.
"Could I sit with you? It's kinda boring being alone.." She looked at me with those eyes I couldn't resist.
"Fine, but you will stay quie-"
"Thank you big brother." She hugged me with her stupid tiny little hands.
I smiled and hugged her back, then proceeded to open my laptop.
I called my co-worker, but got no response.
"Where is this bitch, we have work to do."I whispered as to not make Ash listen to such language.
"Finally, where were you?" I said in my usual annoyed tone.
"Well uh.. you see.. i'm not home right n-"
"We have work Zelk, why are you not home?!" I cut him off.
"I'm sorry Mega.." He didn't sound and in his best mood,which made me feel.. sympathy.. for him…
I sighed and continued.
"Ok, but the shit load of paperwork we have can't do itself." It hurt talking to him like this,it shouldn't have, it really shouldn't.
"I promise I'll be done by tomorrow.." He said meanwhile I whispered 'I'm sorry for my language.' to Ash.
"See you tomorrow then.."
"See you…"
He closed the call.
Why did I feel so bad for him?
He seemed to be going through shit, and I wasn't helping.
"I should get started." I turned on my music as I moved from my desk to my bed, taking all the papers with me.
"Do you want my phone to play with?" I asked Ash, hoping she would say yes.
"Sure I guess."
Luckily she didn't reject my offer.
"Be careful." I said and started doing my work.
"Finally." I whisper-shouted,after three hours of work, as to not wake Ash up.
I figured I should go to sleep, I mean, it was pretty late.

Meanwhile Zelk POV

Tonight wasn't at all different from my usual days.
Just like every other night, I secretly left home and proceeded to go to my cousins house, after being scolded for shit I couldn't control again.
But my stupid ass wasn't paying attention to who was infront of me, and I ended up bumping onto someone and dropping my shit.
"Shit shit shit shit.." I tried to hold back my tears, and surprisingly succeeded.
"H-hey.. are you ok?" They stuttered a bit as they helped me pick my stuff back up.
"Y-yea.." I tried to sound as normal and calm as possible, but failed.
"Uh.. well.. try to be a bit more careful I guess.." They looked so sorry for me.
"O-ok.." I responded as I watched them continue with their walk.

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