Chapter three

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3rd person/Authors/Adel's POV

The same pattern continued on for about a week, everything only getting worse and harder for Zelk to hide.
Zak was getting really worried at this point, so he decided to check up on Zelk one day.
He knew Zelk would find another one of his stupid excuses, hence why he decided upon quietly following him there.

Zelk POV

I decided to try and write down people close to me and their favourite flowers in order to find out who my so-called 'crush' is, since I hadn't figured out yet.
I ended up with this:


'So Geo, Harv and Bad are definitely not the ones-'
I thought to myself.
'-If it's Zak it's incest so no, A6d is aroace which leaves us with...-'
I stood there, in shock after what I had just realised.
I let the paper fly as the wind from the half open window behind me pushed it, ending in the small pile of blood and petals.
'No way..' I whispered, but Zak had already heard me.
He barged into the bathroom and looked around.
"Z-zelk, what is a-all of this…?" He looked at me.
"I-I.. uh..-" He cut off my obnoxious stuttering.
"How long has this been going on for..?" He was trying so hard to hold back tears, it hurt that I couldn't do anything.
I just stood there, looking at him, continuing to cough.
"I knew something was off with you.. I-I just didn't expect it to be this bad.." He said and proceeded to come hug me.
"N-no..-" I pushed him away
'-I don't ᶜᵒᵘᵍʰ deserve it, and no matter how ᶜᵒᵘᵍʰ hard you try you will ᶜᵒᵘᵍʰ never change my ᶜᵒᵘᵍʰ mind." I went to my room, leaving him in the messy bathroom, knowing that he understands.
That's when I started feeling something sharp and painful coming up my throat, like I had just swallowed multiple miniature blades.
I tried to stop my violent coughing as much as I could, but with minimal luck as blood started running down my mouth.
"God fucking damnit.." I whispered as what seemed like a thorn was sitting on my hand.

Mega POV

It's been days since I last talked to Zelk.
I mean, understandable since we all had a weekly break from work, but I thought he was gonna call me or something.
'Guess I should make the first move' And so I tried to call him on discord, but with no luck whatsoever.
'He must be tired' I thought after looking at my clock, it was 9PM.
To my knowledge, we all lived kinda close to each other, so my time applied to everyone.
At that point I had lost all hopes of having a response, so I proceeded to close my computer.
But as I got up I saw that he had surprisingly answered.
The message said;
"Zęlk 😃Today at 9:17PM
yo what happened"
Seeing the message made me smile without meaning to.
I stared typing, my messages read;
"Meg     aToday at 9:19PM
nothing i jusy
wanted to see if u were ok
r u done with the work?"
I could somehow feel that he was low, which made me feel like shit too.
"Zęlk 😃Today at 9:17PM
oh uh I'm fine
and no im not done yet sorry"
For some reason, him not being done didn't make me feel worse like usually.
It's the fact that he apologised for it that made me feel sorry for him, especially since he lives in such a fucked up household.
"Meg     aToday at 9:19PM
its alr
just make sure u dont get in trouble
gn ig
hope u sleep well"
I contemplated whether I should send him an 'ily' or not, decided it would be too 'suggestive'.
I realised I could check discord from my phone too, so I actually closed my computer this time and went to lay in bed.
It wasn't my usual time of sleeping yet so that probably left Zelk confused.
I sat there, laying on my bed while contemplating random shit for approximately an hour before falling asleep, only to wake up the next day to Ash over my head.
"Get upppp, it's February!" She shouted at me.
"Goodʸᵃʷⁿmorning to you too" I said, somehow tired as fuck.
"C'monn there's only 17 days until your birthday!" She started violently rocking me back and forth, like a baby.
I got up as I grabbed her little hand and we went downstairs to our mom surprisingly cooking.
"Guess dad's not home" I slightly giggled and proceeded to sit at the dining table we usually sat at every morning.
"Good morning to you too" Mom smiled and turned around, holding a big plate of pancakes in her arms.
Suddenly I remembered that Zak had changed my shift from 7PM-3AM to the usual 9AM-5PM.
I ate as much as I could and ran upstairs to get ready, then made my way to work whilst holding a big binder of paperwork in my arms.

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