Chapter four

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Zelk POV

"Where is he, did he forget that I changed his shift?!" Zak complained and looked at his clock.
"H-he probably hasn't woken up yet" I said, in hopes that Mega doesn't come.
That's when the big doors of the workplace opened, only for him to sprint in the room, obviously in a rush.
"Oh h-hey" I sighed as he ran straight into my arms, Zak quietly admired the view.
"Did you do the paperwork I gave you?" He bluntly asked me as he strayed away from my chest.
My eyes widened as I realised I forgot it for an entire week.
"N-no..-" I looked him in the eyes, pleading he wouldn't shout at me like usual.
"It's ok I did it for you" He giggled as he walked to his desk, after leaving 'my' papers on mine.
Luckily my coughing and urge to throw up blood left while Mega was here, but then immediately came back.
I ran to the nearest bathroom and since Zak knew what was happening, he didn't even attempt to help me.
As I got to the bathroom I noticed my mouth had already started bleeding before I, quite violently, coughed out blood, petals and thorns.
Said thorns had scratched my throat from inside, making it low-key difficult to breathe for a while now.
I realised that I hadn't brought any paper towels with me, and proceeded to try and find some in the bathroom,but with no luck whatsoever.
I started panicking until I noticed the red tie around my neck.
'It wouldn't hurt to try..' I thought as I started wiping the blood from my mouth with it, surprisingly succeeding.
I smiled and walked back to where Zak was waiting to see if I was ok I suppose.
"You got plenty of work to do today, just be uh.. careful around Mega" He glared at me as he walked to his desk, expecting me to go to mine too.
The rest of the day went smoothly, with my occasional 'bathroom breaks' of course, but at least Mega didn't notice.
After my shift was over, I went back to my parents house instead of Zaks, luckily they were sleeping.
I quietly got in and walked upstairs to my and my sibling's room and quietly went to sleep as to not wake them up.

3rd person/Authors POV

It could only go downhill for Zelk from there, and his parents' attitude wasn't helping at all.
It had already been approximately 3 weeks since this all had started, meaning the disease was about to get into its last phase. About a week and a half had passed with roughly the same schedule, it was 5 days before Mega's birthday and it wasn't looking too good for Zelk.

Mega POV

I had honestly forgotten how birthdays were, my parents' relationship not letting them properly host one for their children.
It was approximately 5 days before my birthday, and, to my knowledge, nothing had been prepared.
'Let's hope that mom has the time to set something up this year..' I sighed as I snatched my scarf and proceeded to go to work once again.
I casually walked in the building as a borderline emotionless "Good morning." came out of my mouth.
"G-good morning b-bitch boy" Zelk walks over to me and grabs his binders and papers that I was holding.
The day went on pretty casually, but the amount of 'bathroom breaks' Zelk was taking was kind of suspicious to me.
'Oh well, must've drank alotta water' I shook the thought off as I walked out of my desk and wished an enjoyable rest of the day to my friends.
I opened my house door only to see my parents on the couch.
"Damn, what struck both of y'all to start being so lovey-dovey" I giggled as I went upstairs to my room and turned on minecraft.

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