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Abbreviations to remember:

(Y/N) = Your Name
(N/N) = Nickname

There will be more, but they won't be needed until later in the story. To avoid spoiling anything, I'll include them in the first chapter that they're relevant. Enjoy the story!!

Main POV

You got stood up.

You knew this, and you weren't surprised. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn't truly interested, but since he had agreed to meet, you'd thought he was going to give it a chance.

Yeah, right. You thought.

Why would he? I'm surprised we even made plans at all.

You took a sip of your lukewarm coffee and got settled in your seat in the lounge, tucking your skirt in underneath you. Jazz music played way too loudly over the speakers, so you put in your headphones and listened to something a bit calmer. Piano covers from movies and games you liked were always nice, and made it easy to close your eyes and escape into your imagination for a little while.

Adventures with witches and warlocks, black cats and animal-shaped buses.

Tales of being swept away to a spirit world.

Journeys through underground ruins, battles and choices that define the future.

Monsters and magic...

Those adventures you grew up loving so much, and those of your own creation, helped you to escape reality for a time.

Especially when you imagined being the character you so often wrote about.

A character who went by many names, depending on the story. A strong-willed, determined and courageous girl, who charmed everyone she met and never gave up in the face of evil.

A girl who'd never get stood up like this.

But, when you opened your eyes again and looked around, the onslaught of emotions brought unwelcome tears. You weren't that girl. You weren't confident, you weren't surrounded by friends to protect and lean on, you held no power.

You came here on your day off, hoping to smile and laugh with someone you might have grown to love, and now you were all alone again.

Alone with your daydreams, and nothing more.

You stood, gathered your things, zipped up your coat and left the building. But, a raging blizzard kept you where you were. There was no way you'd get a cab in weather this bad...

You dried your eyes, silently appreciating your previous decision to nix the mascara today. Upon re-entering the lounge, you noticed that the two computers they had were no longer occupied.

I might as well try to write something since I've got time to kill. Maybe I'll actually come up with something good. I doubt the storm will let up for a while yet... You decided.

You removed your jacket, tossed your stuff beneath the desk, and began writing.

22 years old, small in stature, timid and anxious.

Not exactly the stereotype of a heroine, right?

You hadn't thought so either.

Especially when a glitching, strange hand came out of the monitor and pulled you in.

But, if there's one thing you should learn here, it's that anything can change in the blink of an eye...

You'll never know, until it happens to you.


Hey there, it's SmolBeannie!
I hope you're enjoying the fic so far!
I'll be honest, it's taken a lot for me to upload this, but now that I have, I just hope you guys will like it.
Please let me know what you like, or what you think can be improved upon in the comments!
Credit for the image: Nap in the Void belongs to TzarinaRegina on Deviantart!
(he totally would use his ability to visit the void for naps, wouldn't he?)

See ya next chapter!

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