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How could she possibly realize that the corners of their mouths kept twitching while she ate? The mother and son pair had identical thoughts as they watched her inhale her rice. Exactly how timid was this lady, that she didn’t even dare touch the side dishes and just ate the rice. Wasn’t she afraid of choking on her panic?

Unfortunately, to preserve their dignity, the two of them didn’t speak much. However, looking at her somehow made them feel rather relaxed.

Lisa didn’t know that her appearance was greatly amusing the mother and son before her, but she didn’t feel as troubled after eating.

She pleaded and forced Feng-mama and Xiao-mama to accompany her back to Winter Garden. Resigned to her fate, she began reading the account books. Her task was pretty simple. Tally up the accounts and pick out any suspicious expenses.

As someone from the modern era, Lisa’s speed at reading the account books, and tallying everything up made the two old servants feel extremely surprised. Most importantly, she was doing mental calculations and wasn’t even touching the abacus.

Furthermore, not only were her calculations all correct, she was quick to point out any suspicious items. She finished going through all three account books in one night without missing out a single line. This kind of speed wouldn’t lose out to even professional accountants. Most importantly, although she had done very well, she wasn’t arrogant at all. She asked the two old servants questions with a humble attitude as if she didn’t understand anything.

She even had supper prepared for all three of them instead of having the two of them prepare food for her. Although it was a simple gesture, she didn’t lord it over them like a master and made it very easy to feel close to her. Of course, this was thanks to Ye-mama. They were all servants under the old madame, so the two old servants paid attention to her praise for Mistress Lisa.

The three old servants started drinking amid supper and started to reminisce. Lisa loved hearing these old stories since they had to do with Prince Li’s estate and the old madame.

She hadn’t expected that the old madame would be a close friend of the current Empress Dowager and that they got along extremely well. The Jeon family didn’t just consist of this branch of the family, but also another branch in the capital. This made the Jeon family one of the great families.

However, it wasn’t clear why this branch had separated from the main family, and it seemed like it had occurred without the consent of this branch. While the three old servants were chatting happily, she just sat by one side and listened. She would even pour wine for them at times.

This continued until Xiao-mama suddenly slapped the table and said, “If it hadn’t been for that favour owed to the Chou family back when the Jeon family separated, Old Madame wouldn’t have had to set this engagement for the Prince. Aii, that Miss Chou has the reputation of being a talented woman for no reason at all…”

“Alright, don’t speak anymore, you’re drunk.” Feng-mama prodded her. It was only then that the three of them realized they were drinking and acting so freely under their master’s roof, and had even troubled her for so long.

They all turned as one and met a pair of sparkling eyes watching them while blinking exaggeratedly. There was even a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. The lantern light had thrown her beauty into sharp relief. Adding her appearance onto how she had treated them, they really couldn’t scrounge up any hate for her in their hearts.

Seeing that her eavesdropping had been discovered, Bai Lisa said embarrassedly, “This concubine was just watching the three of you getting along so well, and was a little envious in my heart.”

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