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This Third Brother Kim was a complete sleazeball. His eyes had yet to leave Lisa since he’d walked in. For him, meeting such a beauty like her was, after all, a rarity. How could one not possibly take a good long look?

Lisa sensed an unwavering pair of burning eyes staring at her, making her whole body feel uncomfortable. She raised her head to find a middle-aged man she did not recognize staring directly back at her. Seeing this made her feel incredibly uncomfortable, so she couldn’t help but stare back menacingly in a warning. However, her look was… to put it politely, resembled more a soft glance that rippled with emotion than any sort of threat. To put it bluntly, it was a look of seduction that wasn’t the least bit threatening, a look that could cause half of a man’s body to weaken at the sight.

Third Brother Kim watched her, fascinated and mystified, as his soul gradually slipped away from his body. But then all of a sudden, he felt a chill run down his back. As he turned his head, his eyes met with the bone-chilling glare of Prince Jeon.

With a shiver, he averted his attention, and subconsciously blurted out, “Well how could they not be poisoned? What if there’s someone who wants to lay their hands on their inheritance early and is taking advantage of this opportunity to make their move.”

Those words were so overly rude, even Bai Lisa furrowed her eyebrows. This man surely has no brains to speak of. Who would talk to their own younger brother like that? Of course, Kim Hui angrily replied, “Third Brother, what do you mean by that?”

Third Brother Kim snorted, even he felt that his own words were a little brash there. He’d unexpectedly spoken what was foremost on his mind.

Eldest Brother Kim added on, “Then you explain, how could a perfectly fine man suddenly fall ill like this?”

Kim Hui’s face was flushed with anger. He took deep breaths, but his anger could not be quelled. Taehyung stepped in, “It’s just that this doctor couldn’t figure it out. Servants! Send for another doctor.”

Bai Lisa wasn’t sure that the conditions of both victims came from the poison of the tulips, so she didn’t dare say a word. A single slip of the tongue would place her front and centre of the openly brandished hostility and tension, so she couldn’t help but hesitate. The Kim family servants moved swiftly, with two doctors coming over in short order.

However, they still couldn’t find the source of the illness. Everyone was in a flurry of panic now, and the four Kim brothers interrogated Kim Hui without pause, demanding explanations no matter what.

Taehyung was a junior, so naturally, he couldn’t speak out of place. He couldn’t stop sweating at the moment.

Lisa also felt unwell, as she sensed her chest starting to hurt. She subtly wiped her away from her sweat. Even though Jungkook’s back was towards her, he could also feel how uncomfortable she was. Seeing brothers argue like this would make anyone feel uncomfortable, let alone a young lady like herself.

So he stood up to say, “Alright, if there is no way to find the cause of the illness here, I will send for the royal physician to investigate. He’s bound to find the cause.”

Kim Hui exhaled in relief, “So, let’s leave it all to His Royal Highness to decide.”

For some unknown reason, his chest felt extremely uncomfortable after he exhaled. He stretched out his arm and clutched his chest.

“Father, what’s wrong?” Sensing that something was wrong with his father, Taehyung hurriedly supported him. Kim Hui waved for his men. He assumed that this was simply a reaction to the anger that coursed through his body because of his bickering brothers. He didn’t pay much heed to it.

However, Lisa was paying close attention. She knew that if she’d left with Jungkook, the two lying on the floor would be left there too. Would they die from the poison then? Her gaze drifted as her steps came to a stop.

Jungkook also heard her footsteps halt and turned his head with a frown. “Why are you not leaving?”

Suddenly, he saw her raise her head and glance at him. This single glance conveyed to him nothing less than a deep sense of determination. Her pearl white teeth bit into her bottom lip. She took a deep breath and raised her voice slightly, “Your Highness, please wait.”

Jungkook was already waiting. He couldn’t help but ask, “Why?”

Lisa turned around to face a pair of warm eyes that had a hint of a smile in them. He murmured Buddha’s name when she turned around as if knowing that she would take this particular action. Lisa’s heart trembled, but she gritted her teeth and said, “Actually, this concubine has once heard of such symptoms before.”

Third Brother Kim went weak all over when he heard the beauty speak. “Is it a result of poison?”

Fine. This was just how Third Brother Kim was. He had no idea how to even talk when he saw a pretty face.

Lisa followed up with, “It is certainly poison.” Her words brought everyone’s attention to her, leaving her feeling a little awkward at the moment.

Though Taehyung found this a bit strange, he at least didn’t believe that she would accuse his father like his other three uncles, so he said, “Madame Lisa, please continue.”

Having received Taehyung’s support and with Jungkook standing behind her, Lisa’s confidence was greatly boosted. “It wasn’t a person who poisoned them…”

Third Brother Kim couldn’t wait to interrupt her again. “That’s odd. If it’s not a person, what could it possibly be?”

Lisa took a deep breath. This man had no manners. “It’s the flowers.” Since they weren’t being polite, why should she? And so, she lifted her chest and loudly spoke her mind. Everyone was taken aback by her words, and even the doctors themselves chuckled gently.

They hadn’t detected poison in the patients’ pulses at all, but this woman had the nerve to claim that it was poison, and what’s more, from flowers. What a joke.

Lisa knew that she would be questioned if she were to speak out, and she’d even mentally prepared herself for it. However, she still felt uncomfortable from those accusatory and contemptuous stares. She almost wanted to run as far away as she could.

A voice travelled from behind at this time. “Oh? Do tell us, why do you think a flower would poison people?” It was Prince Jeon. His voice pierced through the air like a javelin. Even a soft word could command the attention of everyone in the room.

Lisa didn’t care if he was trying to help himself or her with his words, she just felt a sense of support.

“It’s the tulips.” Her long, slender fingers pointed at the unknown flowers dotted around the hall.

“How laughable, how could a flower be poisonous?” Senior Brother Kim chortled.

“Tulips have a type of poisonous substance that affects those with weaker bodies. If they inhale it long enough, their breathing will hasten, they would experience shortness of breath. In more serious scenarios, they may even faint,” responded Lisa.

“How could that be?” Second Brother Kim didn’t believe it at all. Not only did he not believe it, nor could anyone else.

However, Lisa’s next words silenced the crowd, “It’s not about whether you believe me or not, but how to handle the problem, right? The priority here is to save lives.”

The statement was clearly on point, and Taehyung was quick to respond, “Precisely. So you… Madame Lisa, how do you propose we proceed?”

“Prince Jeon, this is your concubine, correct? Could you teach her to not speak nonsense in such a critical moment?” Senior Brother Kim laughed coldly, dismissing Lisa’s claims as nothing more than a joke.

Everyone’s attention was once again brought to Prince Jeon. He stood there with his hands clasped behind his back, an overweening sense of authority present in the slight upturn of his lip. No one could resist such charisma at that moment. As if waiting for an unknown signal, everyone fell silent.


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